It's a giant step backwards, folks ...`

I’ll be frank and suggest that you should revert to the old site as soon as possible.

“BlenderArtists” isn’t a social site. We’re not looking for reputations, for similars, or for what are the latest posts. We’re looking in particular topics of interest, and quite likely we wish to scan all of the topics at once to see which ones have received posts. We don’t want to set up a “social profile” of any sort.

This new configuration is, in my humble opinion, much more intrusive but also actually gets in the way of what this forum of this nature should be. More than half of the usable screen-space, for instance, is now lost. And I’ll predict that your server utilization will now be substantially higher to service the same number of parallel visitors.

I can certainly say that henceforth I will be visiting this site much less often than I have in the past.


Sorry to hear that! The new site still has some issues to work through, but it does offer many improvements over the old platform.

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I agree that it would be nice to be able to hide the recent posts in the home page and focus on the forum structure. Maybe it could be implemented with a small button above the content toggling between full homepage and only the categories or have it as an option in the preferences.

I don’t agree with the fear of a social website. There is less profile information shown directly next to the post than before. Likes are a nice feature that I silently wished for in the old forum. It’s a fast way to say “thanks” or “me too” without having to write an appropriate answer or using up space for this rather unimportant information.
We also don’t have a signature anymore. This is a direct step against the social aspect of building up a personal presence with some short personal content or links to social networks. I liked the signature, where I could link my website, portfolio and games, but I like it without a signature as well. It’s cleaner and less distracting that way.

Are you referring to the homepage here with the right side showing recent replies, or is it some social features somewhere else taking up too much space?

the most recent posts is usually what I come to see on a site like this. if I need something older, then I start digging through categories or search.


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But usually there are so many posts from categories one is not interested in, that only a few in the list are really useful. It makes sense when you’re interested in most topics, but I’m mostly looking at artworks and the weekend challenge, rarely at coding, support and news. So I think the recent list should be customizable with a category selection or optional.

I like it. It displays most recent posts AND categories like it used to. There is no functionality that is taken away. New and latest posts is what I am looking through often. I would even look through a feed of the content off all latest posts. Social websites have many useful features, I don’t see a reason not to use them if it makes life easier.

It’s an interesting choice to say ‘we’, when you are talking about your own personal experience as well as to suggest the hard work and effort to improve and modernize this forum is useless and should be thrown away even before it’s completed. It’s hard to agree to this point of view.


that would be cool. so i understand your point, but instead of removing it from front page, maybe some sort of “follow these categories” kind of thing. still… to be honest, I find it interesting what happens in groups I’m not really following, so it might change my mind and even start checking out those too if topic is interesting. :slight_smile:
but yes, maybe at least some sort of sorting. “you like” → “might be interesting”.

aaaaanyways, i think its nice to have this right on your face when you arrive.


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or maybe it will adapt (according to what we read) further we go. that would be even better. let’s see. new platform for me.


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Be good and make your thoughts uniform to the mass or I won’t give you my like.
It is not worth reading the opinion of those who have no likes.

Nobody likes someone who has no likes. :point_up::unamused:

prejudicial boy… judgement day… it’s all in your head (and in so many others with lesser intelligence, no tolerance, no patience)… either it will make you ingenious & stronger in your decisions or you will start to witness hell within
learn, gain experience, use knowledge to your advantage and try to use emotions to express artistically instead of calling for witch hunt or worse, start a war :japanese_ogre:
exercise well & stay sharp :angel:

FFS where the devil, demon?.. this is racism! :stuck_out_tongue:

Do not use the “we” form. You speak for yourself @sundialsvc4.


Just want you to know that I use to read you in Gandalf’s voice.

Like this? :wink:


You can simply visit the Categories view directly if you don’t like the hybrid view of Categories and Latest Activty. Or you can view just the Latest or just the New since your last visit.

Now it’s up to you rather than the forum settings.

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This ends now!:thought_balloon:

Seems like a very sensationalist title and post. Sure, this new site can continue to be improved, but I didn’t find myself on the old Blenderartists hardly at all for quite a while. This, in my opinion was a needed refresh. You’re welcome to think otherwise, but saying, “Hey everyone, I’m here to announce that this is terrible.” seems a little over the top…

Certainly it would be nice to have dislike reaction too, so that I wouldn’t have to type like this when I just disagree with someone.

Things I miss, unless I missed them. :rofl:

  1. Liked to see who was online.
  2. Liked to be able to change the little icon pics or whatever it was called when you posted in FP, FC or WIP.
  3. Liked to be able to see the name of people that posted and not just their avatar.

That’s all for now. :smiley:


From a security standpoint the old platform had to be as much of a deathtrap as that ford pickup I have out back.

To the contrary, disagreements are often the things most necessary to have discussion. Just having a button to ‘dislike’ doesn’t help contribute to resolving the issue in any kind of constructive way.