Just my sketchbook of Blender renders. Some things aren’t always modeled 100% in Blender, but everything else is done in there. I’d love to say it’s pro, but it’s more done for fun given the time I have available.
Latest render:
Just my sketchbook of Blender renders. Some things aren’t always modeled 100% in Blender, but everything else is done in there. I’d love to say it’s pro, but it’s more done for fun given the time I have available.
Latest render:
I’m sorta awful, I keep bringing in stuff from Wings3D just to use the Cycles render engine of awesomeness or rig it for animation or whatever. I swear next time I’ll try sculpting something so it’ll be 100% Blender. (At least that I can get a feel for vs. the edit-mode modeler which makes me feel handicapped vs. my usual way of doing things.)
An attempt at animating a free 3D model found on the internet which obviously was never made with the intent to be animated. (Tris and n-gons, tris and n-gons everywhere! Yet Blender lets me rig it without too much effort, such that I could make it move around.)
Ok, obviously I’m not all that great at animating. (Yes, it’s awful and ridiculous.) Doesn’t mean I can’t just do something for fun though.
Sculpted a chicken last night. Seemed a little tricky, and I’m still having problems sculpting the feet. I’m having trouble getting the view where I can grab the material to make toes evenly and still pull in the direction I want. The rest wasn’t too bad though.
the dancing deer made me laugh… it’s funny how it’s animated…
That was the plan.
And another completely different model brought into Blender for a quick render. This time it’s a BD-5J. Makes me want volumetrics in Cycles already so I can get clouds, haze, and smoke trails. (I know there’s a test build, but apparently no Win32 version for the old OS I’m using. Ain’t gonna cough up cash to replace something being forcibly obsoleted so I might have to figure out how to dual boot with Mint soon and do my Blendering from there.)
Animated rig test of model from previous post.
Other than a goof with some keyframe on the rudder, I think it turned out pretty well. CPU render in Cycles on 3 of 4 cores at 20 samples. I’d say about what?.. Six hours? Not too bad in my book.
Not much else other than your typical monkey business.
Some dynamic topology practice. I’m sure it’s not perfect in some ways, but at least it resembles a face.
Definitely different than mesh modeling… For me it seems slower. Then again I don’t have much time put into 3D sculpting.
The initial mesh of a spaceship I’ve started working on. Some people like to model the big blocky ones that’ll never know anything other than the cold vacuum of space, but I like making planet-hopping shuttles that are sleek and aerodynamic. Like the spaceship in my first post, I’ll probably add some hot-rod influences when the details go in.
Another random WIP thing. This time a trainer jet made from scratch, no particular aircraft in mind even if there are a few that it may resemble. Still needs canopy, horizontal stabilizer, control surfaces, etc.
I’m liking these last two especially. I’ve always been a big fan of “sleek” and “clean”. I’ve been tinkering with a few of mine and have been having to force myself to dig deeper into topology. Did it take you long to figure out what direction to take on this last one?
The jet in the last one has it’s own WIP thread right now. I’ll post a new picture of it here when I finish it. At the moment, I’m working on the landing gear.
If you’re interested, a fairly bare-bones mesh (at about the same unfinished stage in the above pic) was made available to the pass-the-blend reddit subforum.
Latest thing, messing with getting UVs for all the parts of this vehicle on a common template.
More stuff done to the face from post #10. More or less added hair, eyes, and some simple cycles procedural materials.
I found I’m terrible at sculpting hair (obviously don’t have much practice put in), but it’s not that awful for what it is.
cool vehicle ( previous post )
Same face as before, but with the face retopo’ed, UV mapped and textures and stuff. Most of the hair is also better done. Gave up on retopo’ing a sculpt for the hair, instead used bezier splines with custom profiles. The secret is, most this model is currently only good from the camera view. Might give her some glasses or something later, but who knows. And if anyone cares to know, the sweater was really simple, just modeled enough to fill out the frame for the portrait, and procedural checkers scaled as needed driving color for both diffuse and velvet mixed as well as displacement, then with a touch of particle hair. Trial and error to get those settings while having rendered view active and adjusting the nodes.
And thanks about the car Modron. The car itself was made before I ever got into Blender, but the UV mapping certainly was in Blender. Basically I used it to practice a process using a combo of the Texture Atlas and Multi-edit Blender add-ons. Turned out alright. If anyone has some ideas for a real texture, I’m willing to take suggestions.