Ive been in Japan too long...

Slow day at work today, so i made a start on this;

Early days, obviously.

Based on a little model kit i have.

What say ye?

Yeah that’s looking like it could go somewhere. Not a big Mech fan myself, but it looks like you know what you’re doing. I will say one thing, however. I don’t know if it is a trap you are falling into, but don’t let ‘set solid’ add the detail for you. Use it for sharp edges and such, sure, but don’t go overboard.

I’ll keep an eye on this. Keep blending!

Looks like good modeling so far, pretty faithful to the Gundam Wing theme as far as I can tell. The final product is going to hinge pretty heavily on materials/textures/lighting and whatnot, but I’ll be around to see how that unfolds.

http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o289/tedcase/gundamwip.jpglittle bit more work done.

Its not too detailed right now, im just building up the basic model, then ill work on textures etc.

Im not realy a big mech fan myself either, i just couldnt think of anything to Blend, and this lil chap just happened to be on my desk.

Thanks for the feedback.

Nicely done. Waiting for your updates …

Very nice! This looks very promising! Good luck!

Hey all, thanks for all the feedback so far,

Another quiet saturday gave me ample time to give the guy a little hat :slight_smile:


discarded the temporary colour for now,
Hands next.


Bigger head, and better colours…like it so far!:wink:


Bigger head y’say?

The head on the model i based it on actually looks a bit smaller than the one here.
Hmm, ill play about with it and see what it looks like, thanks.

And yeah, the colours are of course, only temporary. :slight_smile:


Gave him some hands,
Playing around with lighting.
i call this lighting, the “T-shirt print rig” :smiley:



Here he is with some basic colour. im not sure if its worth texturing or not.
What about you guys?

Somehow, this thread went by me.

I love the mech. If you are going for the anime look, just apply some toon shaders to it and job is done. Oh, and outline too! I am not familiar with the freestyle, but this seems as a job for it!

Toon shaders?
Im still a n00b, sorry. whats a toon shader?

and what do you mean by the freestyle?


a quick rotation if anyone is interested.

Sorry, my bad!

Toon shaders are special materials designed to render as if in cartoon movie. Take a look at Blender material repository (google it), they have great selection that can be imported and used in your models.

Freestyle is a renderer that has been developed and is now being integrated into Blender that goes step further in toon rendering - it can render the objects with toon outlines.

I hope I helped

Yeah you did help thanks.
i found a couple of tutorials on toon shading, its interesting stuff. im rigging ite gundam at the moment, but ill have a play about with lighting and textures later on. so thanks a lot for the pointers.

Till then, please to be enjoying some still frames as i work on the armature;


any c&c before i start the long arduous animation process?