How can I decrease Specular in Glass/Principled shaders? Whenever I turn on Transmission in Principled it has specularity. I tried to Mix Refraction with Glass but when I setup GGX Multiscatter for Glass it crushes (with just GGX it looks wrong).
When I connect Principled instead of Glass (both GGX Multiscatter) it looks same in viewport but in rendering Principled renders black… here’s the blender file:
any advice regarding render settings would be nice and if you can improve that shader to look more like Arnold, show it
it’s Blender 2.79 master.
edit,i have loaded your file and played with.i switched to pathtracing,because even with cuda,the rendertime was to slow to me.i increased the volume bounces to around 5 in the lightpath.
you had override all materials, with the dragons material ,in the layers tab selected.there should no material in it,to render all materials ,you have in the scene.maybe usefull ,for a quick wireframe or clay render.
here are the material setup and the rendering.rendered with filmic in the colormanagement,and high contrast look.
i think the absorption/scatter could be a bit more vs the reference,but i think its close.
thank you, I’ll study your settings for a while (I’m very new to blender) This specular still looks too bright, it should be twice as weaker as it is now, but for some reason Glass shader in Cycles gives 100% specularity by default …
I switched now to Path Tracing (not branched) and the result of rendering is very different, the colors are different, didn’t know those methods can give such different results.
I have tweaked this a bit, I used Beckmann in glass, strengthened back light and mixed glass with refraction to decrease specular:
and below is original rendered in Arnold:
Dunno why I get this weird “light leak” at the bottom though
sorry, can i have the file for blender 2.80? because i read all the conversation but mi object is less trasparent and this jade effect won’t work. Thanks all.