This is a look at Damascus from Qasioun mountain …
Need some feedback
beautiful tree.
-the grass on the ground is too green, give it a hint of yellow.
-the bees V line sucks the realism from it.
but the tree is good.
Awesome work. And I think that the grass is to green too. And you could make it slightly less glossy as well.
From some image search seems like the leaves need to be bigger compared to the flowers, around 2x; the bark texture is more smooth and dark; i agree with previous comments about grass. There is some kind of “banding” on the blurred background…
Thank you for your feedback …
Good point , I will take care about that …
It’s birds , Maybe I must change its position …
Good point , Thank you
There are many type of jasmine flowers , Yes must of them has a big leaves .
However you are right it must be more green and smooth …
I will reconsider about the leaves , Thank you