Java based file manager on server side (like


anybody knows They have a terrific online file manager.
Does anybody know something similar you could put onto your own
web site?

I used google but did not find much information.


I use net2ftp sometimes, but I’m not sure that covers what you’re looking for. It includes a Java-based uploader called JUpload.

I can’t really help you, but I gotta say keep away from net2ftp… It’s horrible.

Is there any reason you need a java application? If you dont need to allow other people to access it easily, installing an FTP application like filezilla and FTP’in data should be more than pratical, if not pretty simple, reliable and decent if you ask me. :slight_smile:

Are you after someway to also manage files or simply upload them?


did you ever use it is a dream. the interface is perfect.
it is so easy to upload download, create folders, and move files.

the reason why i asked for something like this is to simply be
able to upload files easier.

image I am on a pc which does not have an ftp client and here
at the college the techs love to lock all computers.

thats the only reason

jupload seems to be a good solution

What is it you don’t like about net2ftp? I only ask because I use it for most of my websites and it seems to be the best online solution for personal websites. It works fine for me but if there is a better solution, I’d like to know so I can use it instead. I’m in a similar situation to cekuhnen where I can’t always get access to FTP clients so I need to use web based solutions.

Dreamhost uses it as the defult file manger for thier control panel.

I don’t really know what to say otherthan it’s just a pain in the ass. I normally middle mouse click several links to tab them and load them in the background and switch between them all - cant do that.

as to an alternative, I dont know. Cpanel used to have a pretty decent file manager but even that looks to have changed to crap :(.

sorry cekuhnen, never used though their software is not going to any run of the mil program/ ave you tried looking for java based ftp clients?

Cheers for the feedback lukus.


I honestly did not think about a file manager through cpanel or what ever the host provides.

from the past experience those were often very inconvenient to use

I tried to find one recently and I tried out a few. There was a java applet-based one but applets are so slow to load and the interfaces are kinda flakey. I steered away from it because clients (not me) have their computers locked down and Windows doesn’t have Java installed by default.

I’ve actually just written my own with a mix of PHP/AJAX/Flash. I need Flash to get round the HTML limitation of single file uploads and AJAX because it’s the only way for client-side to interact with the server-side filesystem in a way that behaves like a normal filesystem - though Flash can call PHP directly now so you can make an entirely Flash based one too.

I made it look/behave like Windows Explorer and it shows image thumbnails.

However, for actually managing files on the server such as HTML files, .htaccess files etc, I take an FTP manager any day. I personally use Transmit for this. It’s very fast and reliable. It’s hard to beat the simplicity of dragging a file from your own filesystem directly onto the server folder. Web based stuff just isn’t at that level of usability.

It’s the same with SQL, you can use the web based PHPMyAdmin but I find the interface horrendous. Instead, I use Navicat remotely to manage MySQL databases.


do you have a link to a free flash based system?

You can call me Andrew btw. It’s hard to understand the abbreviations. :wink:

I don’t know of any free ones but this one is $50 and you can try out the demo:


that is a nice solution - very much like what I am looking for.

Thank you for posting.


web based file manager

FileVista is a web file manager for storing, managing and sharing files online through your web browser.It is a web based software which you install on your web server to fulfill web file management requirements of your company or organization.
This web file manager allows your users to upload, download and organize any type of file with an intuitive user interface.