Jean-Paul Gaultier

Here is a portrait of Jean-Paul Gaultier, a french stylist.
The model was mainly sculpted and textured in blender 2.79 with, from time to time, the help of Zbrush


Impressive! :ok_hand:

Whoa! It’s great, but a little raw color at the moment, you need to take it into an image editor and start grading to bring out the colors, blue eyes, contrast and so on, I did it myself and there’s a lot of information in this image and you can really make it pop, the skin detail is faultless. You need to do what they do with these sorts of portraits for the glossy magazines, the render has enough dynamic range to push it, and that’s just this jpg, you could obviously render out the HDR version for even more latitude.

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AMAZING. Very lifelike IMO.

beautiful, just outstanding :open_mouth:

Spot on!
Everything about it is at the highest level!!!

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Niceeeee! Very good vvork!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re #featured! :+1:


I might suggest to have a bit contrast.

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First time i saw such a jaw dropping realism in a face and specially the eyes since you capture what make eyes look alive and that alone is impressive.


Wow. The render looks pretty realistic. I want to do something like this.

The warmth and liveliness of the eyes is impressive for a CGI sculpt. Well done!

really nice. it need a bit of grease and subsurf maybe ?

great head sculpt.