Jedi Training Remote Blender 3D Model New Very High Poly Version 2.0

Star Wars Jedi Training Remote Blender 3D Model With Cycles Renderer Materials

Version 2.0 - New Very High Res Model (aprox. 1.8 million triangles in the remote) - Jedi Training Remote that appears in Episode II and in others (In Episode IV - A New Hope it originally appears but looking much more worn and old). Still even with all the improvements the model will be available for download completely free as it was with the older versions.

Model was created with Blender version 2.70a.

This is a new completely redone 3D model of the Jedi Training Remote that I did around 2012. This 2.0 version has every part remade and/or so heavily modified that is virtually a completely new model. Like the older version it has no texture artwork. So it is more like the one in Episode II cause those were newer (and by the way it was Episode II and not Episode I as I originally said in the older model documents cause that is where the young padawans appear using a bunch of these remotes for their training).

The older version that had the highest number of polygons had 253,154 vertices and 225,949 faces. This new version 2.0 has 968,213 vertices, 922,925 faces and 1,874,318 triangles. Most objects have been redone (from scratch) with more polygons for better close-up rendering quality and many other have been heavily edited to be much better.

All the objects have been cut or made flush with the corresponding surfaces on which they rest. What I mean is that in the older versions many objects went right through others and intersected with them instead and even though that worked fairly well now they have been trimmed and adjusted to end at the surface which is better. I redid the sphere with more polygons so when I cut these objects they were better fitted to its surface curvature.

All the parts have been given round edges and/or round fillets contrary to the highest poly version in the older ones were only some edges were rounded and/or filleted. All parts have their details (greebles) welded together with the part seamlessly as a single mesh like in the real life prop when in the older models many of those details were just parented to those respective parts. That is why it has such a high poly resolution because of all the round edges and round fillets and all the added round resolution and integration so it can be rendered even in closeups without problems.

Look at the included clay render images particularly the ones named ClayRender4.jpg and Wire&ClayCombined1280x800-4.jpg and you will be able to see clearly how the parts have been completely welded together seamlessly. All parts are now done like that. Many parts sizes and proportions were adjusted to more accurately resemble the original prop dimensions and proportions. I think that this will make the model also better for 3D printing cause it will only need a few modifications for such a purpose (like giving thicknesses to the parts). The high poly res will make 3D printed models of better quality.

Note: The model needs an environment texture for it to render like the wallpaper that I did (otherwise the scene will render pinkish with the missing texture). Info on where to get this same free HDRI texture and how to put it back into the scene is in the accompanying docs titled AboutThis3DModelVer2-0.pdf.

Also in that document you will be given a much better description of the changes and improvements given to this new model.

You can download it from Deviantart here:

And my usual Mediafire backup folder:

Other images:

This last one similar to the older wallpaper but with the new model and rendered in Cycles instead:

Don’t be confused, in the render at first sight it may look very similar to the older models but I fixed a helluva lot of things all over the model, it is almost completely redone. Once you open the file and inspect it carefully you will know that is a whole new beast. :slight_smile:

Great modeling!

I have question how you got that Wireframe render ?

Thanks for sharing.


Saif Mohamd.

Well it is a good valid question, that gives a lot of trouble to some people but in reality it is relatively easy to get a very high quality wire over mesh image from Blender. Originally in older times I had to edit the images by hand to correct the corners of many parts cause the wire mesh would show through on many edges but I figured a way to eliminate that completely later on.

It is really not a single render, it is an OpenGl render with all of the objects with the wire parameter turned on and this quick render (with a single whitish material) was then overlayed in Photoshop CS4 (Gimp will do just fine) over the clay renders (Ambient Occlussion renders) which are much slower to render as you may know.

Once I had the two renders I opened the OpenGL render (rendered with the background set to alpha) then I opened the AO render and copied the AO rendered image into another layer of the OpenGL render which had the background transparent. I do it in that order cause that way I do not have to align the two images whatsoever afterward. After I pasted the AO render on top of the OpenGl render I selected the AO render layer and placed it below the OpenGl one. After that I gave the OpenGL render layer an Overlay Blending Mode (from the default Normal blending). This can also be done easily in The Gimp. A few other things can be done after that to make it better.

I will tell you later on how to do the wire mesh settings correctly. I will give you all the tips to do it well, I just need to rest now cause I stayed up too many hours and I need to sleep a few hours cause I finished the new model and I of course got carried away posting it in Deviantart and Mediafire and posting the info about it in different 3D forums cause when I finish a new model I kinda get a bit excited to post it. Please just wait a little and I will tell you how it is done.

It doesn’t require those old techniques that people did of expanding a duplicate of the mesh to slightly larger scale on top of another mesh or anything messy like that at all. There is a simpler way to do it that yields far better results and there are a few other tricks to make it even better. I will explain it all better a little later cause I know that many users here may have the same question particularly people that are somewhat newer to Blender and it will be a good reference for them, OK?

Fine with me. :slight_smile:


Saif Mohamd.

Note: Slight fix - In the initial upload I forgot to deactivate the material for clay rendering (which substitutes every material on the scene) and if you tried to render even after placing the environment texture back into the scene everything would render in beige color but I deactivated it and now the scene renders in colors as it should be. I re-uploaded the .zip file with the change in Deviantart and Mediafire. This material is applied to a small sphere that is placed in the last layer in case you do want to use it. Also I changed the background colors of the scene from the older blue as you can see in the new preview image. If you downloaded early you can either re-download or just turn the clay material off by clicking on the cross to the right of the input box labeled Material: on the Render Layers tab located on the Properties panel. I also post-processed the highlights a little in Photoshop so that is why this render will look somewhat shinier than the one you will generate as the file is.

New preview scene background colors (This way it could be easier for people that have seen my older Jedi Remote models to tell that this is something new):

Oh, After my exchange of words with Saif Mohamd here in this thread I decided to work on a Blender PDF tutorial on how to do wire over mesh rendering correctly cause the idea was lingering in my head for a while anyway so I’m working on it and it will be done very soon.

This is one of those things that is relatively simple to do but that gives trouble to a lot of people. It is not as simple as clicking on the photographic camera icon in the viewport as some people think. There are quite a few things that need to be set so the OpenGl render comes out looking right and there is more to be said in addition to that too so in order to clear this a little I will create this free tutorial.

As promised, I did the Wire Over Mesh Tutorial. I already submitted it to the tutorial section here in so it will take a while for it to appear there cause the admin always review those. Anyway you can get it already at my Deviantart address where you can also read a better explanation of what I did.

Sorry that it took a bit long after I posted the info. I tried to make it better by doing two different versions (more info on Deviantart) so it took somewhat longer than anticipated.

Deviantart link:

And my usual Mediafire backup folder: