Jeffo (game art)

It took me exactly one month, from basic sketches (made with Sculpt Tool on sphere-like model) to the final stage (properly baked normals, leaves).

3D: 100% Blender
Diffuse texture: Photoshop + tablet

here you can find more shots - wireframe, normal and diff textures:

how do you like it?

Really awesome model, did you plan to rig it? Do you use only sculpt for modelling? Did you do a retopo to decrease the poly amount?

That is excellent!

Good model, should animate well. Also well presented.

One thing you could do is specify the poly count in triangles (or clarify if that’s what the poly count is). Game ADs and programmers think in tris more than quads.

An obvious place for optimization would be the feet. Many small polys there, and between the toes on the foot proper, you could probably cheat and texture / normal map that detail in. It’s not bad, but definitely something I’d go for on a lower detail level / LOD if you’re doing that.

Such an unusual character really calls for some good, and distinct, animation. With that fine a face topology, you could even have give him lines and nuanced acting.

I love it so so much ! :smiley:

awesome!! i wonder if it match with the character i made ??

Awesome, I really love the idea and model, could you tell us a bit about the characters personality? Looks like it would act like a mean grumpy old man.

Wow that is pretty cool :slight_smile: Reminds me of the giant trees in WoW somehow (thats a compliment coming from me). Nice work!

haha very cool character

This is beautiful, spectacular work.

This kinda stuff is inspirational for me, its got quite a Zelderish feel to it as well.

Awesome work. I’d love to see the concept sketches!

Dhaos: Instead of retopo, I had done it the regular way, turning on X-ray when necessary.
ThatSound: You’re right about both things. This area is denser than topology on his face - and the whole mesh consists of 3198 triangles.
Nathan Whitaker: Yeah, he’s an old inhabitant of the forest, who is protecting it with his younger comrades against deadly woodcutters and annoying treasure hunters.
Borgleader: I have never played WoW, thx anyway :wink:
AD-Edge: Eternal Sonata was the most important inspiration.
Ben: You can find it on my deviantart profile, with a short description:

thanks for the replies!