Jennifer Garner, first head attempt....need advice!!

Ok spent maybe 2 hours on this so far, %| I know, I restarted several times. What do you guys think for a first time head? Does my approach look like it will work out in the end? I’m basically using the knife and face loop cut shown in the tutorial on the main blender site. Any recommendations, comments??

I’m afraid to start the nose… :expressionless: . Maybe tomorrow.

Well first thing i notice is your profile picture, her head is kinda turn to 3/4 view so your model will come out kind of squished. also around her eye sockets. a couple more loops are needed :stuck_out_tongue: keep going though with head modeling the more you do and practice the better your results will come

Ya, I realize the problem with the profile. Believe it or not but its the best one I could find. I’ve noticed its already giving me problems with shaping the mouth correctly.

After much googling I found this one. Think it would work any better?

One thing to consider while modeling: Most people will model from a photograph, which is a perspective view from a camera. In Blender, you Will most likely model your head in orthographic view. Weird things can happen when you switch to perspective view. The head may look too skinny or distorted.

Your current frontal view looks like a photograph with high perspective already, when viewing it in Blender, in orthgraphic view, it will look like what you expectl. In perspective view it will have “more perspective”, not what you expect.

What about one of these? With some roation of course. What do you guys think?

Heres a new reference picture I came up with. What do you guys think?

This side profile has several advantages over the one you picked. The hair is out of the way. The tones aren’t washed out, so it’s easier to see.

In the profile you are using you can see her other eyebrow, so it looks like the head is turned slightly toward the camera. Not a problem in this image.

The straight on view looks big in the forehead, like perhaps she has her head tilted down and toward the camera. Is that the only straight on you have? You might look for other options.


This side profile has several advantages over the one you picked. The hair is out of the way. The tones aren’t washed out, so it’s easier to see.

In the profile you are using you can see her other eyebrow, so it looks like the head is turned slightly toward the camera. Not a problem in this image.[/quote]

slaps forehead
I see what you mean. I’ dont know why I picked the other one. I think I did because her eyes were open. Thanks for pointing that out!! I’ll mock up another one as soon as I get home.

I edited my message and pointed out the forehead in the straight on looks distorted.

good point about the front view. heres what I go to work with now. any comments?

gonna start fresh from this reference pic.

Ok this is from scratch using the lasted reference pic I made. Does it have any potential?

The main areas I was working on were the lips and cheeks. The nose needs a LOT of work. I totatly winged it, the nostrils are just 2 extruded boxes. Haha it shouldn’t look half as good as it does, but it kinds fits.

Any pointers on how to develop the nose and eye sockets would be really helpful. Plus any thoughts on what I’ve done so far.

Thanks again to everyone! You guys have made some really useful points, keep em coming!!

I think that only the eye holes have a small problem.The rest is pretty good.(especially the lips)

Re-worked the nostrils and worked on forming the outer part of the eye sockets, more later on

I’m really worried about making the nostril hole…but what do you guys think of the new nose?

The nose and lips are very well done. They are already giving her the look of Jennifer Garner, which is certainly a good sign at this stage. I don’t know if you worked on them in this last update, as you don’t have a good view of them, but the eye sockets need work. They seem much too deep and to big

Is this a good time to start the eye ball? And is it a “ball”, as in a perfect uv sphere stuck in the socket? Or is the shape more irregular or elipical? Sorry, not too familar with the anatomy of the human eye.

Trying to do the eyeballs but I’m having some trouble. The problem is I can’t seem to get the iris texture to map correctly. I’m following the “pixar eyes” tutorial on the main site but it leaves this section a little grey. And seeing as that I know squat about texturing I don’t know how to fix it.

As you can see the texture doen’t map right, it just seems to converge to a single point. I’ve tried the sphere, cone and flat settings with just about every combination of the other settings

Ok I’ve got the iris mapped, but now I have a new problem. When I put everything together I can’t see anything past the cornea, even though it’s transparent.

Any ideas, I’m following this tutorial.

did you go into material settings and press the z-trans button on for the cornea?

I think I’ve got it worked out now. My primary problem was that I was only using a lamp, so I added a spot light and it worked.

Me = uber lighting n00b