Jesus wept.

Good drawing!

I like that part of Biblie where write: Jesus wept on the death of a man.

This probably depicts him as though someone took a candid photo of him on the walk to the Garden of Gesthemane. In case you don’t know, this is where he went to pray the night before he died. They say he prayed so hard his cheeks bled. When they said he freely accepted his death, he didn’t like it. He asked God over and over, “Do I have to do this?” Of course you knew he would have done it no matter what.

This is amazing, I love the lighting, it’s sooo accurate. Keep drawing/painting!

“Party poopers” give me something to talk about. No apology needed. :smiley: It is indeed a drawing. And several things about the drawing bother me. The moustache issue that you mention was one of those things - and so I did some additional work on it early on. I actually presented an older version on the first post. Here is the one with additional moustache work (touched up in corel).

Another thing that bothers me is the outline around the lip - someone mentioned this here as well. Many of the small things like that I just left alone. Had I known that I would have ended up liking the pencil drawing better, I would have spent more time on these things. But I did this expecting to paint it, and so did not bother with some of these things. This is why you see some… inconsistency in attention to detail. I am thinking about working more on the beard, perhaps giving it a forked look. I think its too pointy as is.

AnyMation, I like your idea. Indeed the mouth looks better in your version, more appropriate for the intended emotion. You put forth a great post!!!

About the theology, most see Christ as God in the flesh. And some believe he was just a man, yet he was the annointed one (that is what messiah means). I think you can still be Christian if you see Christ/Messiah as man, and not God. Examine the scriptures closely on this. Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not think the scriptures indicate that you must believe Jesus was God in human form - but you must believe he was messiah. Since I do not know for certain, I leave that open, thinking it NOT to be an issue of salvation. But I do lean more toward saying Christ is God in flesh due to numerous verses that suggest this - like where he said “I am”. Yet, the scripture does not explain this in a plain way. It is not expanded upon as other parts of the doctrine are. If someone knows otherwise, please share.


P.S. linuxpimp21, I do not think I am ready for any sort of tutorial. I think I was mostly just lucky on this piece - sort of like the stopped clock being right twice a day. But with your idea in mind, I will take pictures of the piece that I am doing now. That way, I will have progress images to show.

Mmmm, Modron, I’m beginning to ask the same question. I did not see the painting earlier, but when I now compare the painting to the pencil sketch, I notice that they are both exactly the same - down to the same thread and strand of hair. But then I saw that he describes his technique here. I would like to know whether he really draws the pencil sketch from scratch, or whether he digitally traces/manipulates photographs, like here. It also makes me think, but like you say: forgive me too if I am wrong.

Awesome drawing! (not sure I like the dark outlines though)

Sounds good!
Could you attach or something, because I can’t see it.
My computer is blocking the host.

his face does not seem to convey the impression of sorrow

I understood the idea was to express someone (now, no connotations here, just the human thing) that is living with the sorrow but has an internal strength that has more weight. This thing seen in my live in believers, agnostic, and atehists. but reading him, maybe the matter was accidental :slight_smile:

yes, I also thought in the possibility of he using some photo material. but the piece has strength by itself…And some areas like the lips, no doubt have quite time of strokes over it… Otherwise would be integrated like in real life. Indeed, wrinkles besides nose have the too-much profiling prob, those muscles often fade in teh face in some moment in a young man. But is unimportant. The expression is achieved. However he did, is nice.

That blogspot that you provided indeed describes the process that I used for the “SAY THAT I AM” piece, as well as the “JESUS WEPT” art. I draw with pencil & blending stump using photo reference. For the Jesus wept piece, I began with a European face and attempted to adjust it using the facial features of the Kurds and Armenians. Geneticists are saying that the DNA of these peoples are closest to that of the ancient Israelites (and so Jesus). I think the depiction still ended up looking rather European due to my inadvertent preference for those features.

As far as the painting and pencil sketch looking the same as you put it, that is because of my process. I scan the pencil drawing into Corel. Then I set it to multiply. I paint many layers above & below the pencil drawing. But since I have the drawing set to multiply, it does not alter the pencil work.

Back to Christ looking more European - I made another try. I do not like the art as much, but I think this version looks more ethnically appropriate. Since I used a single face reference for this piece I have provided it - that guy is a late Armenian actor.

For the “TEMPT THE MESSIAH” blogspot I indeed used manipulated photos for many of the backgrounds, but not the characters. The process for the '“TEMPT THE MESSIAH” comic is better explained here:

Here is a sample from the three part blogspot, “TEMPT THE MESSIAH”, that is located here (starting at part 1):


horseman, then those drawings are VERY good! I do/did some traditional art: pencil work, pastel, acrylics, but I don’t have the patience to do it to such photoreal accuracy. So, again, forgive me for thinking those are scanned photographs.

Maybe a general comment: it seems as if you emphasize the border/edge of your character’s lips too much. Using the picture of the Armenian actor as an example: his lips seem as if they have “lipstick” on while his face’s texture is more diffused. Also look at the harshness of the border: yes, it does emphasise the lips more, but I think it does so too much. The same for the more European Jesus character at the top - especially the upper lip (the lower lip seems fine).

BTW, in my mind’s eye I always remind myself that Jesus did not have European facial features - and I think the Armenian actor version is probably closer to Jesus’ real facial features - perhaps with brown eyes…

I think Jesus looked like a Jewish man at that time, but in one of the pics. it does look like he’s wearing lipstick.

I wonder how you’d draw him squaring off with the pharisees, the people who whine about him breaking Jewish law and cry blashemy at him saying he’s God.

One other point to remember is that Jesus taught it was shameful for a man to wear his hair like a woman, therefore he would have some sort of haircut. If you’re just keeping in tune with the traditional European portrayal of Him, then that’s fine though.

To those that advocate that Jesus had short hair, I bring up the issue of “side locks”. Jewish men did not cut the sides of their hair (see Leviticus 19:27-28 for the reason). There are varying traditions on how to wear these side locks. Some wear them in front of the ears. Others pull the locks behind the ears. Some grow the side locks to the jaw line. Others grow the hair locks longer. Some never cut them. Of particular interest is that the Yemenite Jews grow their side locks to the upper arm and say that they have maintained this tradition from the time of the Second Temple (that is the time of Jesus).

The question should be, did Jesus wear the length of his hair to match the length of his side locks, or not? Even if Jesus cut his hair short, he had longer side locks – and his hair would look long with the side locks hanging out of the traditional Jewish headdress. Either way, Jesus did not have a Roman or traditional modern hairstyle.

For more about that issue, go to:


Ran across my old thread here. I improved the the Jesus Wept art. More detail to the hair and beard. Bothers me to see the old one. Here is the finished one… but is art ever truly finished?


If you are truly drawing these, they are phenomenal. I think you should keep more of your work in progress, half finished stages so that people won’t doubt them. But hey that’s a good thing. :slight_smile:

Wow, I love to see someone using their talents for something like this.
Thanks for the good picture.
But as a note, you should make the tears a little more obvious and less in the shadows in my opinion.
After all the name is Jesus wept.
I could not see the tears until I really looked.
But a wonderful picture anyway!

You come onto a forum and challenge other peoples doctrinal views and then get upset because they correct you. this why religious discussion is usually not allowed on forums. It goes nowhere. I would highly suggest you completely drop the subject.

As for the drawing, wonderful job man! lots of talent on display there.