It’s fast and orange. Hope you like it Blender+PS
Looks like somebody took a remaining engine of Anakin’s podracer and turned it into a single levitating jet.
That’s AWESOME !
The metallic strip on the front-down looks very unpractical though. Will be destroyed by the first rock a bit too high. Not to mention that there’s a strong metallic tube to protect the jet but above the strip.
Thank You I was aiming for kinde a scrapy put together a bit to fast look so, yeah
I love the concept and the textures!
Wow, it looks very nice!
The only thing that comes to mind for me is that the stickers are very clean compared to the surfaces they are attached to.
Good point, should’ve made them a bit dirty. Thx:)
Thanks! I’m glad you like it!
That’s awesome!
Would really like to see a battered/dirt texturing if you ever make one.
Exactly my thoughts, heh, nice work !
Holly ballz, Thank You
Very nice! Reminds of the ps1 game Jet moto!
Great concept! I guess my only question would be: What does it run on (other than awesome)?
good one !
this is excellent!!
Gee it looks so good. The details are so intricate!
Exactly what I felt too… I always wonder where the fuel/gasoline-tank(ships) are in those type of concepts.
BUT! Very good work.
Thank You for Your comments Guys I appreciate it This is from design and “storytelling” point of view a valid question. I think that when we’re technologically advanced enough to actually build rocket-choppers, fuel efficiency won’t be as big of a deal as it is now. So You could get away with fuel-tank that is relatively small. Also new types of fuel probably would help, they do want to dig the moon for Helium 3 right?
WOW, what a fantastic machine!
cool! but where is the hovering engines or something that shows how its kept off the ground. Just saying.
Cool, reminds me of star wars, but needs repulserlift engines to hover