Ok, this is a really dumb project, but it was fun anyway.
Render with Indigo
(72 hrs, 4514 spp)
Ok, this is a really dumb project, but it was fun anyway.
Render with Indigo
(72 hrs, 4514 spp)
i like it how u make the jets tho??
I like it. The water could use a little tweaking, and so could the jets. Note the conical thing in the middle.
Pretty good though, and a funny concept.
Just extrude a cylinder, and deform it some.
Then add a plane (for the blades) deform that some, then copy and rotate 30-50 times.
Well, some jet engines are different, the tip is more rounded:
One thing. Theres no way to turn the water on. How are you supposed to use it? Lol.
Me it gaves the impressin of a Star Trek scenery by the tiles, so it could be the captains bath tub but then it would be warp and not jet engines.
You mean you actually positioned all those fins by hand?! Dude, spin dup!
I like the model, but the lighting in the render makes it hard to see the shape of the tub, and even harder to see the water. Maybe some better placed lights to give some more shadow.
if that bath tub really exist, i won’t buy it… harhar
imagine taking a bath with that, then suddenly flies. (and your all naked) harhar OMG
No rotate at cursor, and duplicate them several at a time.
I waited 72 hrs for this render, I’m calling this one finished
Thanks for the advice though.
Well the title says bathtub gone wrong…
Ok, fine I ditched the title, you happy?
This isn’t supposed to win any prizes, but it was good practice for modelling.
check the above link
byr the way…love the tub