Jittering animation after export

Hi there,

i got this animation in blender, containing a complex armature that is controlled by the rotation of one bone. In blender it runs perfectly smooth:

when i am exporting the animation to glb i get a small jittering at the start of the animation. Here are my export settings:

Here is the exported file:

TE_340_3D_Test.glb (300.7 KB)

To test the glb you can use this site: https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/

I already tried:

  • deactivate all optimizations of the animattion
  • apply scale and rotation to every mesh
  • Used different gltf/glb viewer
  • Recreate the animation
  • different sampling rates (i do not get what they do)
  • Reparent every mesh to the armature

I observed that the rotation on the other axis are a bit weird, could this be a problem (Rotation on the y / z -axis)?

Here is the .blend file for testing:
blend.zip (1.8 MB)

Any advice would be great, thanks


When I drop your glb file onto the viewer that you linked, it plays back smoothly for me.

Could there be something in your browser settings that is interrupting the playback?

It also plays back smoothly when I import the glb back into Blender.

look at the top of the model, there is a small jittering at the beginning:)
it is small but if this mesh has a bigger mesh as a child at the start it scales up and down wildly
look at this:

Zooming in, I can see it jitter a little.

It could have something to do with the dimensions, and the units that are being used. Everything is using small fractional values.

It might also work better if the objects were weighted to the armature, and the exported animation was skeleton based. At the moment, it’s the objects themselves that are having their motion baked.

How can i do that?
Right now i am parenting the mesh to the bone, that is influencing it.
then i create my animation by setting a rotation (0 deg) of the controlbone in frame 0 and a rotation (-115 deg) on frame 60. Then i stash the action and export it.

I think it’s a key problem in the start frame.

The blender starts at 1 frame. For other software, 0 frame is often the start.

There is a movement between 0 and 1 frame, and I think it would be a problem if other software starts from 0 frame.

Thanks for the hint, i changed the start of the animation to frame 1 and exported it again, no changes… I also tried to enable the export setting “Use current frame as object rest transformation”