Join as Shapes by Topology (new add-on I wrote)

This script overcomes a problem with Blender’s Join as Shapes function: mismatched vertex indexing. Watch the video for more.

Here is the script.
Just save it somewhere and install it using the usual method.

bl_info = {
	"name"        : "Join as Shapes by Topology",
	"description" : "Uses topological BFS to overcome scrambled vertex indices",
	"author"      : "Michael Thomas Greer",
	"version"     : (1, 1),
	"blender"     : (2, 80, 0),
	"location"    : "Object Data Properties > Shape Keys > Shape Key Specials",
	"warning"     : "",
	"doc_url"     : "",
	"support"     : "COMMUNITY",
	"category"    : "Mesh"

import bpy, bmesh
from collections import deque

# Join as Shapes by Topology
# This script adds (or updates) a shape key using a source object mesh.
# It traces the topology of each mesh's edges. This is to repair problems
# caused when the vertex indices of the two meshes become out of sync (due
# to editing or something).
#   0  Save your work!
#   1  Select Source object
#   2    Tab to EDIT MODE
#   3    Select three connected vertices belonging to a single face
#   4    Tab to OBJECT MODE
#   5  Select Target object
#   6    Tab to EDIT MODE
#   7    Select the corresponding three vertices of the corresponding face, in the SAME ORDER
#   8    Tab to OBJECT MODE
#   9  Select Source Object then Shift+Select the Target Object
#   10 Run this script
# A new shape key in the Target object will be created with the name of the Source object.
# The two meshes must have the same edge topology!

# This is just a BFS across all faces in the mesh.
# Each face is discovered by following edge order.
# Collected is a mapping of vertices in the order in which they were encountered.
# The user specifies the initial order by selecting three corresponding vertices on each mesh.
# Since both meshes are traversed the same way, the order in which vertices are encountered
# are identical for both meshes. Thereafter we can simply lookup vertices by the encounter
# index to modify the target mesh's vertex positions to match the source mesh's.

def show_message(message = "", title = "Join as Shapes by Topology", icon = 'INFO'):
	"""Display a message to the user, via popup, print, and clipboard."""

	def draw(self, context):

	bpy.context.window_manager.popup_menu(draw, title = title, icon = icon)
	bpy.context.window_manager.clipboard = message
	print(title + ":\n  " + icon + ": " + message)

class Error(Exception):
	def __init__(self, message):
		self.message = message

def find_first_face_index(vert0, vert1, vert2):  # BMVert, BMVert, BMVert
	"""Find the initial face on the mesh using the three vertices the user has selected"""
	fs0 = [f.index for f in vert0.link_faces]
	fs1 = [f.index for f in vert1.link_faces]
	fs2 = [f.index for f in vert2.link_faces]
	fs = list(set(fs0) & set(fs1) & set(fs2))
	if len(fs) != 1:
		raise Error("The three selected vertices must belong to the same face")
	return fs[0]

def find_next_face_index(f0, vert0, vert1):  # index, BMVert, BMVert
	"""Find the face adjacent to face[f0] sharing edge (v0, v1)"""
	fs = [f.index for f in vert0.link_faces if (f in vert1.link_faces) and (f.index != f0)]
	match len(fs):
		case 0: return None
		case 1: return fs[0]
	raise Error("Non-manifold mesh -- script requires no more than 2 faces per edge!")

def find_index_of(xs, p):
	"""Return the index of the first element in xs that satisfies predicate p, else -1"""
	return next((n for n, x in enumerate(xs) if p(x)), -1)

def walk_face_edges(mesh, f, v0, v1):  # mesh, index, index, index
	Returns a list of edges to add to build_vertex_map().edges_yet_to_process.

	Both edges and per edge vertices are returned in order of topological traversal!

	See build_vertex_map().edges_yet_to_process
	edges = []
	face_edges = mesh.faces[f].edges

		while len(edges) < len(face_edges):
			edges.append((f, v0, v1))
			edge = next(e for e in face_edges if e.other_vert(mesh.verts[v1]) not in [None, mesh.verts[v0]])
			v0, v1 = v1, edge.other_vert(mesh.verts[v1]).index
		raise Error("Mesh data is corrupt")

	return edges

def comparable_edge(v0, v1):  # index, index
	Return a tuple where v0, v1 are in strictly-increasing order.

	While order matters when assigning vertices a traversal index,
	it is possible (likely even) that an edge may be traversed in a
	different direction when following the edges of the adjoining face.

	Thus, in order to facilitate set membership testing (whether or not a
	particular edge has yet been encountered) we store the indices in value

	See build_vertex_map().edges_processed
	return (v0, v1) if v0 < v1 else (v1, v0)

def build_vertex_map(mesh):
	Returns dictionary { vertex_traversal_index : blenders_vertex_index, ... }

	Precondition: 3 === len(mesh.select_history)

	v0 = mesh.select_history[0]
	v1 = mesh.select_history[1]
	v2 = mesh.select_history[2]

	# We actually build the INVERSE dictionary...
	vmap = {}

	f0 = find_first_face_index(v0, v1, v2)
	faces_encountered_so_far = set({f0})  # set of mesh face indices

	# A queue of edges to be processed (push back, pop front)
	# Edge and vertex order is important!
	edges_yet_to_process = deque([ (f0, v0.index, v1.index) ])
	# Set of edges we have already handled
	edges_processed = set() # {comparable_edge, ...}

	while len(edges_yet_to_process) > 0:

		# Get next edge to process
		f, v0, v1 = edges_yet_to_process.popleft()
		if comparable_edge(v0, v1) in edges_processed:

		# Update edge tracking and vertex dictionary
		edges_processed.add(comparable_edge(v0, v1))
		if v0 not in vmap: vmap[v0] = len(vmap)
		if v1 not in vmap: vmap[v1] = len(vmap)

		# Find the other face (if any) sharing the edge
		f = find_next_face_index(f, mesh.verts[v0], mesh.verts[v1])
		if (f is None) or (f in faces_encountered_so_far):

		# Walk the edges of the face, starting with v0 --> v1
		edges_yet_to_process += walk_face_edges(mesh, f, v0, v1)

	# Invert the wrong-way dictionary we built for return
	return { v:k for k,v in vmap.items() }

def join_as_shapes_by_topology():

	if len(bpy.context.selected_objects) != 2:
		raise Error("Select Source then Target objects before running script")

	target = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
	source = bpy.context.selected_objects[1]
	if (bpy.context.active_object != target):
		target = bpy.context.selected_objects[1]
		source = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
	if (target.type != 'MESH') or (source.type != 'MESH'):
		raise Error("Both Source and Target objects must be MESH objects")

	# Add shape key (if necessary)
	if is None:
		target.shape_key_add(name="Basis", from_mix=False)
	sk =
	if sk is None:
		sk = target.shape_key_add(, from_mix=False)

	# Access bmesh data

	target_mesh = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
	source_mesh = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(

	if len(target_mesh.select_history) != 3:
		raise Error("Target object " + + 
				": Select three connected vertices belonging to a single face")
	if len(source_mesh.select_history) != 3:
		raise Error("Source object " + + 
				": Select the three vertices corresponding to those in the target mesh, in the SAME ORDER")

	# Build vertex maps/dictionary (topology traversal vertex index --> bmesh vertex index)
	try: target_vmap = build_vertex_map(target_mesh)
	except Error as e: raise Error( + ": " + e.message)

	try: source_vmap = build_vertex_map(source_mesh)
	except Error as e: raise Error( + ": " + e.message)

	# Update target Shape Key vertex coordinates to match source vertex coordinates
	sk = target_mesh.verts.layers.shape[]  # <-- BMLayerItem
	N = min(len(target_vmap), len(source_vmap))
	for n in range(N):
		target_mesh.verts[target_vmap[n]][sk] = source_mesh.verts[source_vmap[n]].co

	# All done
	show_message('Done (' + str(N) + " vertices)")

class Join_as_Shapes_by_Topology(bpy.types.Operator):
	Uses topological BFS to overcome scrambled vertex indices
	bl_idname  = "object.join_as_shapes_by_topology"
	bl_label   = "Join as Shapes by Topology"
	bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}

	def execute(self, context):
		except Error as e:
			show_message(e.message, icon='ERROR')
		return {'FINISHED'}

def join_as_shapes_by_topology_menu_func(self, context):

def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Comments and Questions welcome.


Updated to version 1.1

Fixed an error in object selection order.

Apparently bpy does not maintain selection order in bpy.context.selected_objects.

Google informs me that this is a known issue and is evidently unlikely to ever get fixed.

So the script is now updated to correctly modify the active object (which is the last-selected object) and not just whichever object bpy lists first in the collection of selected objects.

How to apply the update

The simplest method is just to go to your blender scripts folder and replace the script file with the updated file above.

  • On Windows it’ll be in
    C:\Users\username\appdata\Blender Foundation\3.6\scripts\addons
  • On Linux it’ll be in

(You will naturally want to replace “username” with your user name and “3.6” with your version of Blender.)

If there is a join_as_shapes_by_topology.pyc file in there you should delete it. Blender will rebuild it from the new file.

Sorry for the grief. :sob: :sweat_smile: