I have a mesh with 4 vertex (a box) and i want to combine it another that has 400 vertex (rubber erazer head)
It would be easy if both had 4 vertex, i would have used Alt + M but they dont.
So i just connected only the 4 vertex that are near, the other 396 are unconnected.
Here is the result :
Lighting ( not really noticeable).
if you zoom really near you can see the 396 vertex aren’t connected.
If you subdivide the 2 meshes break apart competely.
How do i fix that ?
I created those meshes with uneven number of vertices ( 4 vs 400 ) on purpose because the tutorial said
to use more vertex in places where you want more detail.
Obviously you need more vertices to connect to. Adding loop cuts (ctrl+R) is one way. You also have unnecessary edge loops going vertically and horizontally and only defining straight edges. Selecting edge loop with alt(+shift)+RMB and X -> delete edge loop is one way of getting rid of those.
I find that using a remesh modifier is a quick way to unify topology if the absolute exact mesh as the operands isn’t needed. After it you could decimate the mesh if needed or shrinkwrap a similar mesh. Of course for a simple mesh as is this one its even easier to fix the count by hand as already mentioned.