hello ,
I have 2 rigs one is a Rigify the other one I have to change to a Rigify-rig ,
I would like to join these to a final rig.
It looks like I have to change them to a Rigify-rig to keep the collections and the Rigify-panel.
Do I have to consider anything else, if there are any sources of error to avoid, please advise me
The non Rigify one is a custom rig that has constraints, drivers and so, or is just like a metarig that you want to generate and then join to the other Rigify armature?
If is a metarig then generate and join it, but the ui script may not work anymore or is gonna appear a duplicated UI and tools…
As for a custom rig just add the layers you want to be embedded and have the same name as the Rigify one, just create the layers that the bones will be in but not all the rest of Rigify layers not being used then join the rig making sure the rigify one is the last selected.
hello Michael
and thank you first of all,
I didn’t get any further today, hopefully I’ll get back to it tomorrow and then report how it turned out,
yes it was not a Rigify-rig so far, I have reworked it to a Rigify conform, I also renamed or assigned everything that belongs to it Bone-collections,Colours, … . I’ve saved the decision step for tomorrow.
Let’s see what remains.
until then
Besides what @MichaelBenDavid mentioned about the two different ‘Rig states’, or possible categories for an Armature Object (on one hand, the ‘default’ Armature and the Meta-Rig, and, on another hand, the Generated Rig), there is the problematic of which is the Active element in the Multi-Selection, while using the Join Operator. Because whichever Joined Object that is a Passive element, will have certain of its Armature Object properties (such as the Origin) overriden, lost to the void. Such properties will be substituted by the ones of the Active element; and note that setting an Active element is slightly different, whether it is done in the 3D Viewport Editor (more intuitive) or in the Outliner.
I was experimenting with the Join Operator for Armature Objects using Rigify Addon, and I’ve showcased many curious (sometimes, obscure) behaviors that Blender will provide:
One of the worst Armature Object properties’ overriding problem I faced, was a peculiar thing regarding Object Targets from specific Bone Constraints. Because their Object Target was exactly the Passive element Armature Object, which suffered the properties override, besides the fact that Armature Object also evaporated, the Target was lost, and that broke the Rig; but it was feasible to recover the Targets, even on some very obscure ‘memory cache’ behavior; because it’s like the data are still being pointed to, except there is absolutely nothing there --and yet, this sometimes helps in recovering a broken Rig. Another oddity of that kind may occur regarding the transitioning between Rig ‘states’ for Bones. I don’t remember the details of the case (but I believe it is was showcased as well): a Bone that was Joined from a Passive Meta-Rig into an Active Generated Rig, will apparently lose its Meta-Rig data, but actually no: it’s still there, ghosting somehow; if the Generated Rig is reverted to a Meta-Rig, the Bone property will still be there. It was something like that… PS: wait, I think it was the inverse! Anyways, it is strange.
It’s difficult to find out a methodically accurate solution for those Join Operators. Sometimes, we want different properties preserved from both Armature Objects that are being Joined together; unfortunately, on default Blender at least, there ‘can be only one’ leader, so that the Join Operator is very crude, and one of the Object’s entire set of properties will have to be overriden at once and destroyed in the process (and recovered or reconfigured in some alternative way). There is no Join Operator’s Adjust Last Operation Region, that’s why. Similar problematic exists from Mesh Objects, which also have plenty of important properties that should not be overriden blindly; other Objects as well may suffer occasionally because of this Operator’s current limitation in Blender.
Thank you both for your help and advice,
as I’ve already had enough surprises at the moment, I’ve decided in favour of the somewhat laborious version of installing the Mouthrig in the existing Rigify rig.
As it wasn’t particularly complicated, it now works and everything is under one rig.
Here are a few screenshots/captures
Not final yet but that’s how it should stay now.
After that I will dive deeper into this problem.
all the best and happy rigging
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