Joined Objects and Weight Painting

Hey guys,

I’m working on rigging this worm, and all is well and things look good, EXCEPT for some of the teeth. I’ve messed around and painted the problem teeth different weights with different bones. I just can’t seem to find the right balance I guess. The teeth I have pointed out here should be totally following the weighted areas. I’ve made sure all other bones not influences them are full 0 (blue). And yet they lag behind when I pose the influencing bones.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a trick to this?

Also, when I ‘joined’ the teeth to the worm inner mouth (it’s all one mesh), they are still considered ‘separate parts’…is there a way to join them fully, so they are influenced the same way the inner mouth is?

Thanks all.


Hi Guy :wink:,
body and teeth are one object, right?
If so, in Weight-Paint_Mode select the points from the tooth and then
a “mouth point” which is close to the desired tooth position,
in the vertex Weight Panel press copy ,
The tooth should now have the weighting of the last selected point.