Jonny 5

Just to add to my list of WIP’s at the moment thought I’d start on a ‘cool’ project.

Next up is Johnny 5. For those of you who don’t have a clue who he is he’s a robot from the film Short Circuit.

Ok here’s what I have so far. Not worked on it long so nothing to special. C&C’s welcome :smiley:


Great start! Johnny 5 is an awesome bot too!

Robots seem to be one of the main modeling types in the WIP threads at the mo so thought I’d have a go. Bit old school though! We should have some huge scene with them in or some kind of robot evolution chart. I’m guessing Johnny would be the start almost and ninja bot’s like yours the end haha.

How did you remember Jonny 5 !? :eek: That’s ancient history ! hahahaha :smiley:
I can’t wait to see finished renders. This would be great for us… older folks :cool:

Oh, we can go even further into the future than mine, with robots that become advanced alien lifeforms constructed of nano-cells. Haha, or androids with organic tissue. But after I finish my robot, I’m going to do a video tutorial on how to model, texture, and animate a slobot and maybe everyone will model a bunch of different slobots and we can make some dope animation project.

Wow … nice idea, first i was thinking who’s jonny… because i remember him as Number 5
:smiley: very cool ^^ i’m waiting for the next picture of you

Had a go at modeling the back wheel section. Think I’m fairly happy with it for now but I know its a part I’ll come back to.


Haha that’s just freaky stuff, I started modelling him a week ago. Where you’ve started at the bottom i’ve gone from the head down lol

It looks really cool so far, the tracks are pretty damn accurate but I think the back wheel needs to be slightly larger.

I’ll be keeping an eye on here, keep it up :smiley:

Hehe cool. Figured I’d work my way upwards towards the more scary stuff lol.

Cant find any really good references for the back of him though but I’ll scale it a bit to see how it looks.

Hows yours comin along?

Built up the body a bit. Thanks for the comments so far :wink:


Looks awesome dude! Can’t wait to see more!!

Friggen awesome! Short Circuit is still one of my favorite movies of all time, I can’t wait to see this finished so I too can dance with number 5, when he’s ALIIIIIIVE.

I’m such a dork.

Mine is still way too embarrasing to show in public lol, I’ve finished roughing out the head and have just started working on the iris and eyebrows. I’ve had a lot of trouble finding reference pictures too which is why I started with the head, if I do stumble upon some, or cave in and find the copy I have here and get some screencaps i’ll let you know :slight_smile:

only crit so far is the shinyness of the metal, unless your planning on giving him the gold finish at a later date. ROADWARRIOR JOHNNY RULES!

Slightly tweaked. Changed reflectiveness and started on where the 2 halves of the body join.

Makes my work look like…hmm… :


Yea the wheels in the back look much better. Can’t wait to see what next you do with this guy! Great work!

Hmm cant see how the 2 halves of the body section join so a bit stuck there at the moment. I’ll show the progress so far:


Ok, done a little more work on it and he now has a pretty rough bulk out of how the upper body will look and created the arms (missing hands though). Let me know what you think/spot any problems etc. etc.

The render size is now also larger with 16x AA on for a better look.

p.s. I’ve realised in watching it a little bit when it was rendering that the ‘forearm’ kinda piece with the 3 holes in is way to narrow. I’ll fix it for the next render.


Impressive work!

Also, i liked the movies (watched them over and over again when i was a kid) and the robot design is very nice as well.

I want to see this finished and then i’ll be a freeloader and ask for the model, just because i like the bot so much :wink:

  • G

Ok so I decided the arm was quite a big feature and if I planned on doing any close up pictures the arms would probably end up in shot as part of trying to express his mood.

I’ve reworked the arm a bit, changed some errors I found with the arm and also added the wrist and hand parts

Neways I put a bit more effort into this but let me know what you guys 'n gals think.

Please post C&C’s! :smiley:


Wow! this looks like its going to be awesome!!
Just promise you wont spray paint him pink ok?