Juicy Cherry

I wanted to make it really juicy :cherries:
You can check out more of my work here: instagram.com/studioringofen


this looks really nice. perfect visualization and lighting, nice job :+1: :ok_hand:.
the droplets on the leaf and stems could have took a bit more work though, I know they would probably clip through the leaf but if you apply the nodes or just realize them and reposition the bottom vertices it’s probably achievable.
it already looks great though and they are not even the main focus, just saying and.

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Absoluetly, I agree. The leaf could use a tiny bit of thickness and then a few bigger drops would work well instead of reyling on a normal map only. For this project I was focusing mostly on the cherries and the “dripping” effect. Overall there’s room to improve, no doubt. Thanks for your input!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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