Junk and trinkets from neliut

My two attempts at publishing RCS didn’t even manage to get published.
Maybe I’m shadowbanned?.

So… if you don’t mind, I will post my interesting crafts and ideas here.

A node that alone replaces the binary chain of nodes.



It’s funny to see how an “undefined” socket can also be a multi-input.


And it generally looks like some kind of desktop picture:


For me, the classic color node is too big and inconvenient. It would be cool if there was something prettier and more compact.




I think RCS isn’t the right place for this sort of thing, but I do think you should share your work on devtalk.blender.org - I think they would welcome the work you’re doing here


It’s so cool, I really like your Join Float and Color Notepad.I downloaded your addon.
But I couldn’t find it geometry node add menu.I find can copy and paste it to geometry node editor, but it doesn’t work. :pensive:

Well… of course it won’t work. There is no socket processing for this, nor is there any processing that it is a multi-input.
This is an “exotic” dummy node, which I made in general for fun; as well as for the sake of a clickable demonstration https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/BnEQ.

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Okay,I understand.:joy:


P.s. 2023-11-29_19.16.33.gif


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What does the node editor look like with the maximum zoom limit removed

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import blf

blf.enable(1, blf.SHADOW)
blf.shadow_offset(1, 1, -1)
blf.shadow(1, 5, 1, 1, .1, 1)
def operator_props(self, operator, text="", text_ctxt="", translate=True, icon='NONE', emboss=True, depress=False, icon_value=0, **kw_args):
    op = self.operator(operator, text=text, text_ctxt=text_ctxt, translate=translate, icon=icon, emboss=emboss, depress=depress, icon_value=icon_value)
    for dk, dv in kw_args.items():
        setattr(op, dk, dv)
    return op
operator_props.__doc__ = f'''Utility from "{__name__}.py" module for eliminate the hassle of properties setting and save lines of code in one.'''

bpy.types.UILayout.operator_props = operator_props

My dream has come true!
Thanks Bake Node.

RANTO will bless you.