Just a fun idea

Just thought of this in work today. Looked alot better in my head. Keep trying to add the particles for fur but its either hardly visible, or too much. Any suggestions. Tried normal at 0.002 put too much. :spin:


Great idea, there are a few issues with the lighting and modeling but you’ll get there with that. Brilliant stuff from someone who has only just begun. Try some AO for a quick fix on the lighting, not seeing any fur pal, u wanna play about with those settings.

try pressing ctrl+A on thething you want to put fur on, and then playing with the values. It should make them behave a bit better.

Changed the idea of fur and went for fabric. What you think now?


I think the fabric suits him better, but the eyes seem a bit too contrasting. The lighting position is still a little off, but it’s obvious you’ve worked on the character over the lights XD

I like the bumpy bear wallpaper too, just the sort of stuff i’d love to pick off walls as a kid lol

Yeh the eyes are weird i’l work at them.

LOL…what exactly is Debby Does Dallas doing in a childs room anyways?

ur a sick man ct, what is the porn doin in a kids room:) What kind of light are you usin, if its an ordinary lamp try turning sphere on and also turn on rayshadow if it isn’t already and position it higher in the room cause its a bit to low down for a ceiling lamp. Lookin good kid