Just installed Vista...

Well, I can install Blender, Gimp and Firefox at once in Linux by typing something like “sudo apt-get install blender mozilla-firefox gimp” and entering my password. I wouldn’t exactly call that difficult. The problem is if the needed program is not in the repositories or happens to be an old version.

It seems that we’re bit off-topic here but I think that was to be expected when talking about Windows. :smiley:

But the thing is, big companies(HP, Dell, MS…) aren’t marketing to the 10% of computer users that know, pretty indepthly how there computer works. They are marketting to the 90%, people like your grandma, and others who know NOTHING of how the computer works, just that it does. Thats why there’s autoplay CD’s and installers, because otherwise they would be lost.

It’s quite logical. If people had to learn how software works, how hardware works and the relation between the two, then most people wouldn’t be interested in using a computer.
The software companies are accommodating to their (potential) users by making installation a breeze. Just insert the cd, a few clicks, type in the serial and it’s done.
Even granny has problems with THAT :rolleyes:
I am no computer expert, but I do know that Windows is very good, even though Microsoft’s ethics are not always up to par with the world standard.
I have learned something over here: it’s no good just bashing a piece of software. Open Source is not better than Proprietary is not better than Open Source. The same holds true for all OSs. It all depends on your personal needs and your beliefs in some cases (I use OpenOffice.org because of my beliefs, for instance, even though I have MS Office lying on the bookshelf).
In the end, they all have advantages and disadvantages and although some are globally better (like Windows), others are better in the hands of professionals (like Linux).

Alright, now that that is over you may continue bashing and flaming. :smiley:

Like the above poster stated. It’s not a percentage.

Research before you rant, because you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Clearly you fail to understand the concept of posting in a public forum and in particular a forum based on Blender. You initiated a thread in a public forum yet you have neither the maturity nor the consideration to respnd in a civilized manner. At this point given your previous response I would no longer consider anything else you have to say as worthwhile.
Excuse me while I cry over here. /wrists

Seriously though, I don’t care what you think. As far as it concerns me, you’re just a username on top of a laughably misinformed body of text.

Verbally abusive posters should be locked from the forums. The anger and outrage you expressed clearly indicate that it does matter to you. I would recommend you take your “I Felt Like It” attitude, combine it with your “Penis” comments and GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF. It might make you feel better:)
HAHA anger and outrage. I’m not married to my OS like some people are. I just find uninformed yet annoyingly vocal posters like yourselves to be below the courtesy that I would use towards worthwhile members of the forum like Social.

Anyways, this thread should be eaten by an elephant. I don’t post in the Linux threads. If you don’t like Windows, you shouldn’t post in a Windows thread. Especially if you’re a supposedly enlightened alternative OS user that doesn’t have experience with Windows.


Does anyone else have a problem with Vista RC1 (Build 5600) working properly with blender?? Whenever I scroll using my mouse’s scrollwheel, it seems like Vista sends the same information to blender, no matter which direction I scroll. For instance, I can’t zoom in. Whenever I use the scrollwheel, I only zoom out farther. Any help would be very appreciated. I am a noob with blender, so please forgive my ignorance.

Hah! Flame wars are hilarious. Really guys, Linux/XGL and MacOS/Quartz have both had all these features for some time now. Windows is really behind and is no doubt still useless in the security department.

So why have Windows? Games? That’s all? Hmmm, then again why not just buy a console? Hell, they play games better anyway… and are supported by vendors for much longer too. Linux or MacOS is far cheaper than Vista and will do all the same word-processing, blendering, spreadsheeting and anything else useful. Then you can spend the savings on a console. Hell XBox 360, PS3, Wii, who cares? All of them are better for games (even internet games) than a PC anyway.