KajiyaKay and Beckmann shaders

I see some builds having " Kajiyakay and Beckmann shaders". What is it and how to try it?

I see some builds having " Kajiyakay and Beckmann shaders". What is it and how to try it?

its in the materials, create a material and change the shader from blinn to Kajiyakay or/and Beckmann

this seems to be new !

any good doc on this may be on wiki ?



jsut got 36734 and don’t see these?

in which version do you find these?
is it part of a special built and which one ?

and any idea if it will be integrated in 2.57 std built?


is it part of a special built and which one ?
try my builds @graphicall

Kajiya-Kay is for (realtime) hair and fur shading.
Beckmann is a shading algorithm for specular highlights.

There are a few big shaders for specularity - we already got the most important, Beckmann´s just a bonus.

And not new, Beckmann died 1923 :wink:

are these going to be added to the 2.57 or not ?

i mean i’v seen so many new things that have been drop !



I implemented the Beckmann specular shader for 2.4x and then ported it to 2.5, but the patch has been assigned to Brecht Van Lommel (blendix) for three years now without anything happening.

Here’s my little webpage with the patches and a few sample renders:

There are also two silly animations I made, that uses the Beckmann shader, just search for “beckmann” on youtube.

If the Beckmann specular shader would be included in Blender, I think it would be great, as I’ve yet to see this particular velvet-like and shiny look reproduced by other shaders.

Thanks for the interest.

  • Alexander Rødseth

may be you should make a new request for 2.6 cause they are reviewing things
and this seems to be very old
but don’t remembe where you can do that

or may be go to IRC and talk of this there they might give you more info

so it would be sort of a reminder for them and if interested they might add it in 2.6!

hope it makes it
mind you the whole renderer is being re desing right now

happy 2.5

Thanks RickyBlender, I’ll see what happens with the redesign of the renderer first.