rust never looks the same
did a short search on flickr
some times it is smooth an velvety
sometimes it looks like freckles
even glossiness varies
so for convincing rust i think you need at least a bump and a specular map
hum and yes for things still moving it often happens that exposed edges are polished to the metal while holes and caves settle dirt and rust.
you have rekognised one inspiration that lead me to this odd Thing.
I am not a very big fan of Anime but same of Hayao Miyazaki movies have artworkts they ar very beatifull and unique.
But Miyazaki is’n the leading inspiration, there are Russian influens from the hous of the Baba Jagga the old Pest- Doktors, they was waring masks in the shape of birdfaces. Same Illustrationes form Brain Froud, Alen Lee, Tony Di Terlizzi, Mike Mineola, Pupets form Jim Henson and many more. But I realy don’t copy these artworks. Kaldewei simply was there.
I Know that Kladewei is the biggest bath tub producing company in Europe
But the Name has a spechal Sound and I hoppt that noone did Notest
well, i had a kaldewei bath at home, i think it’s a very popular german brand so people know it
i thought this thread would be a bathroom project ^^" but i like your character
@ bobg
Yes look very instabel but he is not finisched.
Karldwei will get big, maybe birdlike shows, and tiny but strong legs under his rock.
Strong arms they will send the focal ponit to the center.
But on auf the mayn reasons is the Rigg.
Kaldwei shall be abel to hyperextand any lippe of his Body.
That meen if the is curios he will extand his neck. He will rise 2 n if he wont to scearre you. Arms will be cam longer… and so on.
But there ist that “shall” because I havend got a clou how the armature will work. But it will be fun to figer iit out J
is there anyway to see a drawing of how the whole thing will look when finished. I’m having a hard time picturing the arms on this thing. Really don’t think they are needed. This looks stunning by the way.
@ specular shader
The woodmaterial look very good but it is realy very simpel.
The diffuse shader is a simpel Orean- Nayer(Ref.: 0.8; Rough: 0.2) because this look like organik Material.
And the specular shader is Phong (Spec.: 0.2; Hard: 1). Very importen is that the specular shader iss nearly close because we don’t need a shiny spot the hohl wool shal be schin but only a bit.
The wooden vein is a texture.It has to be very very very big, hase to have details like creaks and so on. And the Textore don’t has to have blury poits avery thing has to be sharp.
Theas dealis make my wood so very alive.
I made a UV for avery wooden birk UV are abel to ober lapp. For samthing like Ambient Occlusion I will make a new UV layer. And Mix tham up. Because Textur Bake ore Pait work fine but it will kill (Caue of the resulution) the deails of the textures.
The Wooden Tey get in the Map to a COL and a NOR with 5. but this ist all about how it look.
This is… any questions?
@ Framedworld
ou are Right thiis look Silly but he will get arms and hans becaus the are a very importent ans eary element… I made same new Deinges and wil Try tham druing that week i Think:)