Kamino alien

well i decided to do a animation and iโ€™m gonna work all the body

Hola brother como estas :slight_smile:

Many thanks my friend,i modeling all in Blender after iโ€™m gonna use the sculpt tool to refine the model with textures , i hope make a better scultp tool

i think this forum very strange ??? i post but nothing appear :frowning:

well, i will post again

I will do an animation and i work the all body .

-wooden dog
I model all in Blender after that iโ€™m gonna sculpt to detail everything :)and many thanks

Hola brother como estas heheh :slight_smile:

Looking good man :slight_smile: Are you planning on doing smaller details or a displacement map to the sculpt? Also do you have any tips on how to improve performance when sculpting?

hi 'm planing doing small details but with a new computer because my pemtium 4 donโ€™t let me work as i want :mad:
well a friend send me a tutorial that can help :slight_smile:

Good luck :slight_smile:

aca un avance con la maya abierta

hola como estan aca les traigo otro avance mas espero les guste




Saludos desde Peru :slight_smile:

really nice, Alekszander! :smiley: looks like the real thing!

Looks great! Are you posting in spanish and english, or is that just a failure in translation?

No, is a problem i prefer Spanish all the way .

Es el mejor idioma hahaahaha:yes: