Nice fellow, mi gusta mas
Some superb sculpting there
hi = hola
i like too = me gusta tambien :).
I’m gonna post later= voy a postear mas tarde
You need to model the nostrils but other than that it looks like a great start.
hi Alpha i know there is too much do to :yes:
ahora vengo con mas imagenes
hi my friends , i have he posibility to teach in my country but i dont know too much blender:( .
I hope you help me in my question .
well i went to the college to try to explain i can help teach 3d with this great program :eyebrowlift:
but one teacher in that college . Told me they could teach a program without any permision because they want to buy 3d studio max and then i said to him that there’s a program that is free i we can teach without buying anything .
I want you to tell me if i was right that we can teach blender completely free i hope you help me , many thanks :evilgrin::evilgrin::evilgrin:
??? i posted and didn’t appear
let’s see
mas avances
Sweeet killer modeling there
Now let’s see a body to match that sweet head.
Hi , i only make the head maybe a little short movie :).I learning in this model .
I have other plans to do with Blender my own proyects
Hello my friends i have some troubles,
- ¿ Does blender has alphas for painting like Zbrush has?
-¿ and Does Blender has mask for sculpting like Zbrush ?
please give me some help :)
nos podrás dar la vista de lado? Me encanta la naríz! Quedará así el cuello?
Hola claro de un ratito subo la imagen en proceso, y gracias que te guste
otra imagene , disculpa estaba ocupado estos dias:p
:yes::yes::yes:otro avance heheh
Can I see the wire of your model? Is it going to be only the head or the whole model?
Looks very much like the ones in star wars, really good stuff! Did you sculpt it?