Fanart of Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), based on illustration from amazing Valerio Buonfantino (@dreelrayk). Personal project done in Blender, rendered with EEVEE.
Original illustration from Valerio Buonfantino:
Fanart of Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), based on illustration from amazing Valerio Buonfantino (@dreelrayk). Personal project done in Blender, rendered with EEVEE.
Original illustration from Valerio Buonfantino:
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Appreciate it, thanks. Have a great weekend
Whoops, I posted the wrong link. Frrrriiday!
The art style of the end result is very nice!
Although this is borderline NSFW (in a good way)
What? Nothing about this is sexual, and there’s no nudity
More on topic: beautiful work, OP
loving the simplicity and form choices ! thats hard to pull off
dem shoulders !! so cool n crisp
Very good translation! Nailed the anatomy too!!
I agree, unless he’s referring to the anatomy, but in that case I don’t know what’s sexually explicit. Feels like an implicit problem maybe?
Nothing about this is sexual
Seriously? The overall style is hypersexualized (industry standard for superheroes anyway).
I like the look of this particular one, I simply poked at it. Her suit is so tight, it looks like body paint only - hence my original comment
So glad You like it. I used hard surface modeling with subdiv and crease to pull it out, really tried to achieve clean forms.
Good eye, I used real life anatomy references. Glad You like it.