Just started using blender a week ago with no prior experience in any 3d modeling and this is my first final project. Looking for any constructive criticism to further improve it or to further improve my abilities as well. The whole thing was rendered at 5000 samples with no clamp in 1920 x 1080.
P.S. I know the stand looks kinda off, but i just can’t seem to find any settings that worked well for me so i left it as it is.
I really like the carpet material, it looks good. You could add some normal and gloss maps to the stand and steel parts of the katana to make it look more real. Also some small details to the handle and the blade would help it to look photorealistic, maybe some strings hanging from the handle or some small text, logo or bumps/scratches to the blade etc. Now it just looks too perfect.
All in all it looks really good for a beginner. Probably that’s why I find it hard to believe you made this with only one week experience of blender. Your future is bright if you are planning to continue CG.
Thanks for the tips! I’m working on improving it right now. Started off trying this out for fun but I am really enjoying it and I’m actually really considering going to study in CG.