Kate Kane From Batman

Howdy there BA Users!

I was just introducing myself to the freestyle effect and toon shader in Blender and I just wanted to share something I’ve been working on and off on. This is the character Kate Kane (Batwoman) from the Batman series.

My Render -

I modeled her by utilizing her appearance in Batman: Bad Blood as a guide. As for the style, I really wanted to get an effect similar to the DCAMU movies.

Kate Kane from Batman: Bad Blood -

However, I couldn’t replicate that and the result turned into something more like Telltale’s style. If anyone has any suggestions for how to achieve the DCAMU look in Blender, please feel free to tell me. I’m also open to any and all criticisms. Thanks BA!



I edited your render a little:

Head to body ratio is a bit off.
more feminine Body, specially with hands and feet.
with dc animations, female characters tend to have a men-like face. (big nose and jaw and etc)
also shoulders go up. all dc animation characters I saw were like a bulky looking bank employees!

also change your camera view or add more renders. 2d animated movies tend to have appealing looks instead of realistic.

Hello again!

Here’s another update:


Thanks @The3DLioness and @Mobin for the suggestions! I checked the proportions of the face again and compared it to the second reference image. I also made some adjustments to the shading.

I think I’ve been on this project for too long now :sweat_smile:, so I think it would be good to call it a wrap now.

~ Para

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