Keep Cool

This is one of my first renders. Would love some feedback from more skilled artists. I’m still trying the get the courage to make a full scene now. Taking little baby steps though.

Rendered in Cycles:

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i started with the exact same thing, a wine glass. Just keep practicing. Ok so here are a few tips, research and download some free “hdri” maps and set one to the environment. my fav website would be: these will make ur renders far more realistic. i looked closer at ur wine glass, dont forget to set it to smooth shaded, because rn it looks flat shaded. it also looks like you modelled the wineglass and then applied a solidify modifier. this isnt a good idea because the stem has no refraction now, and it looks hollow. this is because refraction requires 2 faces to hit in order to work, with the solidify applied on the stem you essentially have 4 faces where light has to pass through, thus eliminating the refraction making it look hollow. also: click on ur camera object and find the camera tab and look for “composition guides”. research about how to use the rule of thirds in order to help with composition, unless ofc, you already have a good idea. I understand your cause, keep practicing and you’ll get much better, because i stared out in the exact same place, except my liquid was red aha. Peace.

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