Keep same scale and shape while rotating


Check the object in Weight Paint mode (of the mesh). When the two bones share the same vertices, then this occurs.
In this scenario, the weight should be where one bone starts and ends.
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i dont have enough vertices to pull this off. i just want to make the sticks move without changing shape

Read carefully…

…so associate one bone to one stick… if one individual stick is controlled completly by one bone… then this bulging do not apply…

i tried that. thing is, I still want the other stick to move with it. think of it functioning like a chain.

Then you need the other bone to move with the first one.

And the way to do it depends on what exactly you’re trying to achieve. You need to look into Rigging, I suppose?

i tried. its all staggeringly garbage and unhelpful for the simple abc elementary school level function im trying to apply.

i just want it to move like how it does in edit mode minus the stretching, but it does everything BUT that


Yeah, that doesn’t look all that simple. Looks like a job for Inverse Kinematics maybe?

…well maybe… if you want to assign the pieces completly to the bones… like so…

…then you might have to learn something about the principles of rigging first ??

I suggest to parent the object directly to the bones and notto the complete armature…