Keeping belt attached to Pulleys X , Z

Im trying to keep my belt attached to the pulleys.

Any suggestions , I was thinking parenting BezierCircle vertexes. timing-belt-18.blend (1.5 MB)

From what I can tell, it’s likely you’ll need hooks on the path control points. (Does what you’re thinking.) Then you can attach those to bones controlled by the rig. Depending on what you do with this, I’d also suggest adding some meta-rig type bones (that don’t deform anything) for targeting and keeping the rig bones in correct alignment.

Wait a minute, I’m trying to figure out what you mean by this:

In what way? The teeth of the belt kept in time with the teeth on the pulleys?

If so, it’s clear the belt is moving too fast and jumping teeth on the pulleys. So fix it.

When I rotate 1D0135A-24DF-18MM, it drives the object ‘timer’ along the curve. It’s moving too fast.

Here, look:

The timer object is close to the key way in the pulley with the long object name. That pulley appears to be the control object.

When I rotate the pulley with the long object name 180 degrees (roughly) counter clockwise, this is what I see:

Clearly, the timer object is no where close to the key way of the pulley with the long object name.

I think the driver on the timer object is moving it too fast, I don’t know how you figured out the driver value, but you might want to adjust it.


No just the belt , I have the rotating attached, (i will fix timing later) just x , z movement .

Bottom pulley controlling belt moving, length and rotation.

The setup. From

So you want the belt to move as pulley with the long name (1D0135A-24DF-18MM) moves?

Does the top pulley need to move with the bottom pulley as well?

If so, that could be just simple parenting, or not. I say that because in theory, you make the belt and the top pulley children of the pulley with the long name and they will all move with the pulley with a long name as it’s moved.

The reality is, all those objects should have the same point of origin, and their axis should all match for it to work.

if this doesn’t answer your question, please describeRandy it a bit more, I’m still unsure what you are looking for.


Maybe this will explain things better.pulleys2020

Green moves only.

OK, sorry I have not got back to this… does it even matter?
If it does matter, I know how to do what you want.
You move the curve with the pulley.

Reply back and I will explain…
