keeping shape uniform along a curve/array

I’m trying to make a thread that goes around a flat surface, but when I apply the shape to the curve it changes size and direction. Is there a way to keep it all uniform?

Something like this? These are the steps I used for this. In top view:

  1. Add curve -> circle, edit mode , change control points for the shape you want. Go back into object mode.
  2. Add cylinder, R X 90. Scale it how u want. In edit mode, R Z 90.
  3. Add an array modifier, relative offset ~1.3
  4. Add curve modifier, choose bezier circle
  5. Change array numbers and offsets to match up and close the loop.

    Left image is edit mode, right object mode

when I do that I just get a huge distortion on the object along the path.

Dunno, did you R Z 90 in edit mode?
Post the blend.

When I used a group of control points that I converted to a 2D curve this array was all over
when I traced the shape with a bezier curve it worked fine.
Is there some way to use the converted curve or do I need to use bezier?

I’m not sure, I always use beziers. Someone here will know.