I am working on a small animation project, and I am using lattice to modify the object. When I am viewing the animation through “Solid Viewport Shading”, I can see the Lattice lines (or box) moving along with the object. Are there any ways I can keep the Lattice lines even in the “Rendered viewport shading”? When I switch the viewport shading option, I can only see the final result, which is the modified object, and not the lattice box as well.
If there are no ways to keep the lattice lines/boxes attached in the rendered viewport shading, are there any ways to get a similar effect on the render?
I apologize if my question was confusing to understand.
Well, the lattice has no options for adding a wireframe material, so my best guess is to fake it. How I did it was I rendered out the openGL shot (make sure there’s no lamps or anything that you don’t want in your final scene, but do have the object that you’re modifying with the lattice), and save it as a .PNG. Then, open it in the compositor and add a keying node, then, through some awesome magic (colorpicker, very handy), get the color of your wireframe as the key color. Then, invert the matte output of the keying node and set the alpha of that output with the image as well. Finally, use some color nodes to get the desired color of your wireframe. I know, all of this was terribly confusing, so here’s a screenshot. For the keying node, I was just playing around with the settings, and I don’t think they changed much, but you can match them if you want.
I guess if you wanted another way, you could construct a mesh that has vertices in the exact same locations as the lattice vertex locations and add a lattice modifier to it (and then add a wireframe material to the mesh and all that fun stuff), but for some reason, it doesn’t move one vertex for each mesh vertex.