Keeping Things in Place

Hello. I have a question about animating multiple things. I am doing a quick animation of a set pieces that turns. Basically this:

I am just using sitting people imported from sketch fab. The problem is, I’ll be able to rotate the set piece like that perfectly, but the people will start moving all over and not stay seated and turn with the set piece properly. Any suggestions?

The joy of Empties…

more than anywhere else in blender (IMHO), Empties truly come into their own to achieve certain otherwise difficult animations.

Parent the characters to a central empty, and animate the empty.
You can still animate the individual characters (relative to the Empty).

If you don’t want to explicitly parent them to an Empty,
add a Child_of constraint to the characters, targeting the Empty.
Now you can turn the Influence of the constraint on and off (and in between).

if the characters are rigged,
it is the Armatures that you want to Parent to an Empty (or add Child_Of constraint to Armatures).