keKit for Blender (2.8+)

@Kiellog I was wondering, is it possible to create a global toggle between Mouse axis/ View plane transforms and their unconstrained versions?

What I mean is this: in strict modeling scenario’s the axis/ plane constraints are amazing, whereas during retopology I find myself often disabling the constraints within the modals. Without your tools, it was the other way around. So depending on the context I would prefer to either have the constraints on or off globally (so not per modal operation). The way I imagine this to work is like the X-ray selection tools, where there is a button that enables the X-ray selection tools or Blender’s default ones (and the button can be hotkeyed).

So preferably, there would be a button and a single hotkey that switch between Axis/ Plane/ No constraints for Move/Scale/Rotate tools, the new Context sensitive constrained extrude and perhaps also for the Dupe tool. I hope this made sense!