keKit for Blender (2.8+)

that i can confirm: it is just a macro: first extrude, then launch grab. if you have automerge on, the extruded element will me merged, as it is in the original location before move is run.
might be a fix, as I can maybe temporarily disable it. I’ll look into it.
edit: probably not without modal, dont want to do that really…
might be an ugly hack where i have to move it beyond the merge distance or sumn. or just disable it. we’ll see.

edit2: fixed. will be in the next release. thanks for the feedback ;>

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everything clear now!)


I gave up on the “keeping it simple with just macroing ops” as it become very difficult to control, so far fewer ops now, and just a bit more more math (and internal looping). I don’t know if it it will all be user customizable, but I can control exactly where the cuts are (and how many) now ;D

ed: Also, a little bit of an oversight on Direct Loop Cut on circular loops [FIXED]
This is how it should look (but does not in 1.425…whoops)

I’ll probably release a minor bugfix release in a bit. “preset” cutting is not done, nor any of the other bazillion things in progress :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Quick maintenance update v1.426 is now up!


Bug report’s come :innocent:
“Render Visible”: Noticed some discrepancies between viewport and rendered image (see pic.). Some objects were rendered despite they were disabled in the viewport. It looks like it’s related to collections.

“Render Slot Cycle”: If a file was saved, lets say with 7th r.slot, then after reloading the file, the first render is at the exact 7th slot instead of vacant 1st.

P.S. both Blender 2.93 and 2.92

That is probably correct, have not confirmed yet, but I probably did not do much collection handling ;>
Will have a look - adding to list :slight_smile:

Could you add an option for “VPDupe” to make a linked (instanced) object?

Yes, it is on the to-do list, +a mouse axis linkdupe option as well. (and a TT dupe. )
(my to do list is very long at the moment though)


Hey @Kiellog ,

Just curious - how is it going of making that updated Get & Set Edit Mode tool? Is everything working out?

currently whats available:

ed: I think I forgot to include this in the previous release notes…whoops. (I’ll add it in the next release release notes probably ;D )
I have no further plans ;>


Oh! You mean it’s already here?! Going to try this new goodie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I can imagine :smiley:

Hey Kjell,
“Element pick” - wanted to say thank you for this nice tool and your time! It was a good Idea of making it toggleable - it makes it possible to preserve different pipelines :+1:

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I’m often dealing with multiple meshes in one container that I need to Extract/Edit individually by first selecting polygons and then E&E. I was wondering is it possible to automate this process by selecting an active object, pressing a magic button and having all the meshes separated into active objects of their own?

select All in edit mode & then Separate By Loose Parts?

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Love the addin. I got this for the Cut / Copy / Paste, but I’m finding many of the features useful.

I’ve recently jumped to Blender from Modo where I was using a script called “SOLO” which would isolate the selection and allow you to model the object at the world origin, then jump back to your full scene. I really missed this feature in Blender, so I put together a blender macro which achieves this. I added the macro as a wrapper around your Copy+, and it lets you do a copy/paste but at the object origin. This makes it easy to copy geometry between animated objects without concern for their current transorm.

My implemention is rough, but if you could add a flag to keKit Copy+ to do the operation at the object local space it could be handy. I use it all the time. The basic idea here is to create a linked duplicate called “TEMP”, single user (no animation), clear transforms, do the COPY+ operation, then delete the “TEMP” object.

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=‘OBJECT’, toggle=False)
bpy.context.scene.tool_settings.use_keyframe_insert_auto = False
bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move_linked(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={“linked”:True, “mode”:‘TRANSLATION’}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={“value”:(0, 0, 0), “orient_type”:‘GLOBAL’, “orient_matrix”:((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)), “orient_matrix_type”:‘GLOBAL’, “constraint_axis”:(True, True, True), “mirror”:False, “use_proportional_edit”:False, “proportional_edit_falloff”:‘SMOOTH’, “proportional_size”:1, “use_proportional_connected”:False, “use_proportional_projected”:False, “snap”:False, “snap_target”:‘CLOSEST’, “snap_point”:(0, 0, 0), “snap_align”:False, “snap_normal”:(0, 0, 0), “gpencil_strokes”:False, “cursor_transform”:False, “texture_space”:False, “remove_on_cancel”:False, “release_confirm”:False, “use_accurate”:False, “use_automerge_and_split”:False})
bpy.ops.object.make_single_user(object=False, obdata=False, material=False, animation=True)
bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() = “TEMP”
bpy.ops.view3d.ke_copyplus(mode=‘COPY’)[‘TEMP’], do_unlink=True)
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=‘OBJECT’, toggle=False)

Hey. yes, even “local mode” is a underused feature many overlook:

I’d probably want do this as a stand-alone op, for more general use possibilities. It’d work in a similar fashion, using a temp dupe-linked object (with a handler probably). Maybe some overlap could work with copy+. But it I haven’t looked deep into it, and it may be a while. Def useful tho.

I did get around to the render visible issues: Seems like this was just the object type. I had “optimized” it to only handle objects with geo (as that was what i needed at the time) so no lights and other things. heh.
fixed in next upd.

Great to hear it :+1:
Could you also check Get&Set Material for the same thing(probably)?
I’ve noticed it doesn’t apply materials in some tricky structures. It was some time ago, but I can recall it for reproduсing if you need me to be more specific.

Yes I think the Local Mode on the Items List in Modo came after SOLO so I guess I just never looked into since I had SOLO on a hot key. Basically it’s setting local mode combined with hide unselected. Anyway thanks for listening. BTW best thing ever is the hotkey 1,2,3 for your Direct Element switches. Why isn’t that part of Blender to start with?