Key combination for selecting and replacing multiple entries in text editor

In the “scripting for artists” episode “custom properties” (15:50) Sybren selects some text (and “somehow” all of these occurences will be selected - which i never had in my text editor) and then he says, he presses CTRL-D (if i understood him right) so just the first selection and the next selection will be chosen (marked) and then he can change/replace both occurences at the same time.

I don’t want an answer for the window operating system, because i am using a Macbook.

Can anybody do the same on a Macbook, and if yes, how?

The usual Ctrl-F for find also has/shows a Replace (which also has the shortcut Ctrl-H) and Replace All button on the side bar in vanilla blender… is that’s what you are looking for…

i am sorry - my mistake. It was Visual Studio code - not text editor - my bad.

It’s somekind of standard… works also in VScode… (at least VScodium… )

Ctlr-F Find
Ctlr-H Replace

VS-code key combo to replace all instances of a text occurrence control + F2 on windows

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