keyframes for curvepath & curvefollow


i have a problem: I have an object parented to the curve and i turned on curvepath and curve follow. Whenn i press alt-a the object follows the curve. I now want to turn the movement of the object into keyframes so that i can use it in the gameengine. Is there anyway to do this or is there an other way use this animation in the gameengine? Thanks for da help 8) .

oh, and one other thing. when you go to tools and then select autorun what does it do? it does not automatically start the game when the file is opened so i have no idea.



Place yourself at frame 1, select object, press I, store keyframe, advance to frame 11, press again I, store keyframe…

It worked for me to change orientation during animation.




it doesn’t work. when i give the object keyframes they are all on a straight line. i also have to remove the parenting otherwise the object doesn’t show up when i enter real-time mode. when i do this the object loses its animation even if i select ‘clear parent but keep track’. Any idea what i am doing wrong?