Keymap_Set - Lite


Set keymap for Gizmo (Q,W,E,R), Alt Viewing (Alt + Left/Middle Mouse)

It is an add-on, not a key config file.
So you can partially switch the activation state.

Many of the keymap improve tools in Blender are key config files,
and “Industry Compatible Keymap” rewrites the entire key settings.

I’ve always thought that keymap cannot be changed partially, and not good to be very different from the tutorial video because

So, this add-on allows you to partially introduce the minimum Industry keymap.

Download - gumroad $0

Pro Version $9 - gumroad

This add-on is a lite version.
The pro version allows you to register more keymap presets.


A checkbox enables you to enable / disable keymap.
It will not be saved if you change it with keymap list of this addon.
Please search and change at the ‘Keymap’ tab.


  • Extrude(E) → E + Ctrl
  • Quick Favorites(Q) is not compatible
  • Loop Select(alt + Click) → Alt + DoubleClick


  • Blender2.8
  • Addon ver1.0