Khalibloo Panel

There’s a bake rigify addon that bakes the animation of all the DEF bones for export. I was having problems with animation export till I found that the (imo) highlight of using rigify, squash/stretch/tweak, destroyed the animation on export, making it less usable (by default) than BlenRig. BlenRig is better to animate with but there’s NO form of export with it. The addon disconnects the bones from their parents, allowing them to scale/translate without breaking any of the other bones.

Me on the other hand, for each character, I just:
Duplicate my metarig
Select rigify rig and shift+select my newly copied metarig
in khalibloo panel > general platform > armature tab, click “Hookup metarig”
set all meshes to use new metarig in armature modifiers

This creates constraints on the metarig that link it to the rigify rig. I can then animate the rigify rig and my metarig (and meshes) will follow. When it’s time to export, I just go to blender’s pose menu and bake the animations in my metarig using “visual transforms” option.

I guess everyone has their preferred method, though :slight_smile:

Huh…after FULLY doing that (I neglected to “bake” the animation) I got it working. I can even get 60fps from the bake with Blenrig. Ima go suggest something like that to jpbouza.

Can someone please help me? I followed all of the instructions to export the base Genesis model as a DAE from DAZ3D 4.8. I imported it to Blender 2.74, did the Rigify, Rigify Vertex Groups, etc. Then I ran the script in DAZ3D to export the text file of the morph names, edited the file as instructed, and ran the export script to make the folder of OBJ files. This is where everything went wrong. When I imported the folder of morphs as shape keys, that process completed, but the morphs invert my model horizontally.

If you can see the image below, it shows how the original model has proper normals and reflected light. However, when I apply the shape key, it squishes the model, then pulls back apart inverted. It’s like the left hand and right hand swap places as the entire mesh turns inside out. Has anyone experienced this before and found a solution? Thanks.

Please include / update your scripts so they have the bl_info { }

If anyone else is having the problem from my previous post, I figured out a somewhat tedious workaround. Just go into edit mode, click on each imported shape key, select all vertices, then scale x with a value of -1. Press A to deselect all, then repeat for the next shape key.

@ej42, that problem is something to do with daz studio’s exporters. It’s a bug that has been present for quite a while.
when exporting out the morphs, despite my morph export script explicitly specifying the orientations and scale, daz studio seems to be using your currently active morph export settings. perhaps you should try changing your obj export settings to this

If the issue persists, you can edit the daz script itself. On lines 45-46 where it says “invert lateral axis”, change the true to false.

Sorry about the inconvenience… it wasn’t comfortable for me either to code in daz studio. with them, everything is a closely guarded secret. even their software documentation is deliberately kept old and scanty.


@blendit, there has always been a bl_info in khalibloo panel… or any other addon I’ve ever seen :slight_smile:
Did you find an issue?

console message: "fake_module: addon missing ‘bl_info’ gives bad performace!: ‘ADDRESS OF SCRIPT’ ".


Start of -

<pep8 compliant>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#transfer vgroups without deleting existing ones
#draw all edges
#copy modifiers
#copy constraints
#copy bone constraints
#apply LocRotScale after rigifying
#hard surface weights

import bpy
import bmesh
import math
from .utils import *




rigifyRig = None
genesisRig = None…

Start of -


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,

Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


<pep8-80 compliant>

Script copyright © Campbell Barton

bl_info = {
“name”: “Grease Scatter Objects”,
“author”: “Campbell Barton”,
“version”: (0, 1),
“blender”: (2, 58, 0),
“location”: “3D View, Add Mesh”,
“description”: "Scatter a group of objects onto the active mesh using "
“the grease pencil lines”,
“warning”: “”,
“wiki_url”: “
“support”: ‘OFFICIAL’,
“category”: “Object”,
} …

bl_info should be in the file in the case of addons that have multiple python files like the khalibloo panel. the grease scatter example you gave is a single python file addon. totally different! take a look at an addon with multiple python files and see if there’s a bl_info in every single python file.

even if my addon has a hundred python files, it only needs ONE bl_info in ONE file. you can think of bl_info as an addon’s identification/introduction. Just like in the real world, you only need to introduce yourself once :slight_smile:

The error you’re seeing is probably something to do with your blender installation or khalibloo panel installation… or a bug. I’ve certainly never had that error. You could try reinstalling the addon and see if that fixes it.

you were correct, files in wrong directory. Found the bl_info file.

In what directory path does ‘khalibloo_blender_morph_exporter.dsa’ go?

This should be in the zip / rar file.

user manual :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: great to see that you’ve fixed that

the .dsa files are used within daz studio, so I recommend putting them in your daz library’s “Scripts” folder. Regardless of where you put it though, it should work as long as daz studio is able to find it.

Good idea :slight_smile: a user manual should definitely be included in the downloads.

Are you going to update this awesome addons

yeah, i’ve been working on an update for a few weeks now. trying to do some general code cleanup and then add support got G3 males. Anything specific you’re hoping to see in an update?

I discover this addons know that I’m making some custom character for G3 but I can’t use it because don’t work on recent blender
But I have a question:

  • I have a problems in daz exporting morph as obj from blender it give me an error related to deltas can you give me some feedback; here is the errors and sorry for asking this here looks like you have experience in this.


sorry if i misunderstand what you’re trying to do. It’s hard to tell. I’ll just take a guess.

the khalibloo panel addon works on recent blender versions. I’m using blender version 2.76
Did you have any problems with the installation?

Regarding the morph loader error, I’m not sure, but it looks like the obj you exported from blender was not exported correctly. Try importing it back into blender and see if it looks right. Another possible reason is that in your export settings, you did not select “keep vert order”.

Also please ensure that you did not delete or add any vertices/edges/faces while creating the morph.

Try that and let’s see how it goes.

I selected keep vertex order an polygroups know it load correctly but when I move the slider nothing happen I’m using blender 276b let me see if it working

Here is the error I get when activated the addon


it seems you’re trying to load the dsf-utils addon. That addon is/was being developed by milighost over on renderosity. I’m not sure if the addon is still in active development. Try to contact milighost about it. The addon is only useful if you need to import native daz studio files into blender. Otherwise, you can just skip it. It’s not necessary.

what i meant was, open a new scene in blender and try to import your exported obj. if it was exported correctly, you should be able to see your model with the morph applied. no need to move any sliders.

if the model loads without the morph, it means the morph wasn’t exported correctly. I recommend you apply the morph first before re-exporting your obj. to apply the morph, save your scene and

  1. simply set your morph slider to 1
  2. delete the “Basis” shape key
  3. delete all other morphs

After all these, export the obj and import it back into blender. you should see the model with the morph already applied. Then you can try importing the morph into daz studio.

The reason for the complication is that the obj format doesn’t support shape keys. so you need to apply the morph first before exporting.