Khorinis Harbor: Red Lantern - Gothic 2 Fanart

My interpretation of the harbor area from the video game "Gothic II
I created everything from scratch in this scene, except for the characters and vegetation, to get more experience and experiment with my workflow.

Characters are from and most textures from


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks a lot, you too!

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I really like it.Gothic 1+2 are one of my favorite Games of all time.A new Gothic with this graphic would be nice.
For me its a bit to desaturated,but its personal taste however.


Thank you! Same for me. I’m really looking forward to the remake of Gothic 1, but thanks to the amazing modding-community, i still really enjoy playing the original.

I find it quite difficult to judge, if i get the colors and values right in post (even with the help of references). The mood is pretty much how i wanted it to be, but i definitely need more experience in post-production.

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I have featured you on the “Hand-picked Blender Art #21” post on BlenderNation!

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Thank you so much!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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lovely work on this scene !

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Thanks, Rob!

Well done.

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There was a remake for Gothic 1 in the works a year or so ago. A little demo was released to show off the work that had been done up to that point.

I haven’t heard much about it since, but here’s a link to check out.

Gothic 1 Remake on

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