Kids’ Challenge 005[INDENT]***[INDENT]This Week’s Challenge Is: SHADOWS
It can be any kind of shadow… Please, nothing gory, or inappropriate, I will delete those posts, and if you’re part of Blender Kids, you will be banned…
Deadline: 6-21-2014 at 8:00 P.M. (EST)
Poll: Will only begin if there are 2 or more entries You may upload up to 3 blends per person.
Why would he need to edit his comment? Because he said damn? It’d be one thing if he used the f-word (I’m feeling nice today, I was about to just type it out instead) but damn is a pretty damn tame word.
EDIT: actually, never mind.
I just read your signature and I will hereby assume you’re religious (hence I will assume your religion is the reason for taking offence to damn and similar words), now if you can blatantly have a religious message in your signature then he is allowed to say damn, hell (pun intended) I’d say he’s allowed to use the f-word if he pleases (this time I chose not to use it due to being uncertain whether or not it’s against the rules)
Or in other words free speech moth… never mind, you get the gist. (oh and by now you must have noticed a rather hostile undertone, I am just joking around, however the free speech note still applies)
Yes, in fact Free Speech is something I protested in Washington D.C. for, twice! That’s why I said “please edit your comment”… Not “EDIT YOUR COMMENT NOW”
The majority of the people viewing this are children, and do not need to yet see the inappropriate things of this world… So please, watch your language…
PS: And don’t forget that I have the Freedom of Religion It’s what makes America Great!
Okay, since I obtain the only entry, I’m the automatic winner, and I’m therefor declaring the next challenge right now It will be plants Please participate It will be uploaded shortly