Kitchen 3d render




Amazing piece!
You did a very good job with lighting. Makes the whole thing looks so comfy…


Thank you very much

That’s the spirit. Thanks

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This is amazing! How long does something like this take you?

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Wow, I’m jealous. Now I have to fail at trying to recreate this atmosphere :sweat_smile: Probably because I rarely use volumes, which I’m guessing you did. Or is it just lower contrast in post?


Around two to three days.

I used volumetrics but it’s a small cube close to the window. I made sure the cube covers all the window space and also extruded it to follow the sun direction


Ah, I always thought it needed to fill the entire space.

Thanks, great work!

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this is so amazing!!!

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Thank you!

very lovely work

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Fantastic work! Love the detail and the lighting is perfect! Also love the Bible theme.

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Wow, it’s impressive ! Well done :+1:

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Solid work :muscle:

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Beautiful textures and lighting!

Love the image’s narrative too! Holy Bible on the table and a bust of a Roman Emperor in the window?

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Wow! Very nice work!

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Yeah! That’s the narrative. An artist who’s a lady who happens to be a Christian and also is obsessed with history

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Thank you artist