Kitchen Low Poly

Hi, I am sharing a small low poly kitchen that I made in Blender 3.0. For the textures I used texture paint, pbr textures and conventional materials, the lighting was done with HDRI, volumetric light for the window and the render was done in cycles.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Hello, thank you very much for taking the mention, in the same way that you have an excellent week, thank you Bartv!

Thank you very much for mentioning my art, have a great weekend Bart

If you don’t mind me asking – what file did you save this as?

Thanks in advance : )

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Excellent. Where I can buy one? :grin:

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Pretty cool… Although, where does one wash dishes or their hands in this kitchen? I think you threw in everything but the kitchen sink…

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It’s great :star_struck:

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Really cool!

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Hello thank you very much. The final output of the file was in png in transparency, in the case of the one in black and white, it was a visualization made from Ketshot

Hi, I don’t understand what you mean?

Hello, thank you very much, I made the kitchen based on some of the country ones that exist in my country and normally the kitchen is outside and it is made of cement along with a water tank, that is why I did not include it in the internal part.

I was wondering where I could buy such a nice kitchen. It was supposed to be a joke. :crazy_face:

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I’m sorry, I think I hadn’t understood you, hahaha, well I’ll sell it to you or invite you to breakfast haha

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Thank You!

Than You!!!