Kitchen with Arch

A little obsessed with Arch Viz at the moment…

Added a different style closer to the original…not sure which I prefer to be honest.



I think your work has an excellent level :raised_hands:t2:

For sure first is better :slight_smile: Nicely done!

very nice lighting… love to see archviz properly lit

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Love it! The top one is my favorite too, not only the warmth but i love the contrast of the first image, shadows imho describe better the volumes and have a more natural feeling in general.

What is the secret to realism?

I especially like the subtle imperfections i.g. that the wooden strip between the two floors is not just straight!

Thanks Bart :smiley:

Thankyou:+1: :smiley:

I wish I knew, It wouldn’t take me so long to create these scenes If I did, but I will say for years I couldn’t get anywhere near ‘realism’ and gave up many times in the past.
All I can say is just keep at it, it’s a gradual thing and by no means do I consider myself quite there just yet.

wow… love it :slight_smile:

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Both work, depending on the final use. Comes down to personal preference. I like the first one because the white balance seems more accurate. The second is a bit too much magenta to my eyes.

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