This caught my eye. A lot of these scenes, as well done as they are come off as synthetic to me for some unknown reason. This one doesn’t. It must be the lighting or something. Good job.
Thanks a lot!
I’ve been through a lot of trial an error, HDRI for the day images and IES for the night image.
This one is nice, very nice.
I featured you on BlenderNation, stay safe and have a great weekend!
Thanks! so you do.
The lighting really does it. Would you mind telling us how you did the lighting? It looks great!
Sure, for the lightning I only used an HDRI and positioned the image so more of the light would enter in the angle you see on the image, I choose one with a clear sky mostly.
I also tried adding another external light with a warm color to have a more warmth tone, but didn’t like the result so I removed it.
BTW, you can use the sun aligner addon to align a light with the HDRI.
For the night image, I used only one IES light for the lamp, with an IES Texture and emission nodes.
All in all is simple, but spent a lot of time doing test renders.
Thanks, I didn’t know about the sun positioning addon thingy.
Amazing work Pablo!
I have a Macbook pro and I couldn’t even contemplate trying to render something like this. My machine struggled when I was doing the Blender donut tutorials! what kind of set up do you have or would need to attempt this?
I can see a lot of effort went into this, because of the amount of things in the background. Interiors like this need to have a lot of these insignificant models in them to feel realistic. So this is definitely well done. One thing I do have to say about it is the lighting in the daytime render does feel a bit dark, and I think that’s partly because the windows are a bit small. Also the light going through the windows is being cast to the left and going off the screen. Now you said you were using an HDR, so you can rotate that by adding a texture coordinate/mapping node setup and connecting to the environment node. However, you might not just want the light to just go to the back wall or even the floor, because another problem then is the sun in the HDR would be more likely to face the camera then. So I can’t see any light coming in from any other windows, so if you don’t have this already, maybe you could add a window off the screen behind the camera, which you wouldn’t have to put much work into because you can’t see it in any of these images. Another thing that could open this up more is to have a window above the ceiling, so make a hole in it and open the top. Again you wouldn’t have to model a complex window if you can’t see it.
I have an i5-8500 with NVidia 1060, and as much as I recall it took about 20 mins rendering with the graphics card and the 6 cores at 250 samples.
So you could use your setup, just it might take longer but you should work ok.
I mostly work with eevee and throw renders from time to time at 10 samples and denoise (in the compositor, not in the view layer properties), so I can quickly check the result.
When ready to check the final result I rise up the samples to 50 or 100, since the denoise require higher number of samples or it might generate artifacts, but this also depends on the scene.
Hi TheCuriousHobbyist, thanks for the comments!
Yes the illumination is exactly as you say, nothing else than HDRi in that position.
That was my intention since I wanted to create that mood for the image, the light coming in from the windows and curtains and illuminating certain parts of the kitchen, it’s a rather artistic scene I built.
As you say there are other parts of the image that are not well lit, like the chairs or the cushions which have nice materials but are not appreciated in this renders and your propositions might have helped.
I tried filling the room with an emission square or making a hole on the wall opposite the windows, but that would affect realism so I removed them.
great work
amazing art work realistic and has a sense worm fealing.
This is superb, lighting, all the little bits that make up the scene. Brilliant.