
Here is a kitty I did for fun. It was modeled in 2.5 with some compositing. I then used GIMP for some more post-pro. The reference image is on the bottom.


Quite an interesting way to use Blender. It looks totally 2D :slight_smile: I suppose this could’ve been made in Inkscape or the like, but if you’re more comfortable using Blender, go for it! Good work :smiley:

Happy Blending!

I’m not convinced on it looking 2D. I think you need to use flat colour more (are you using toon shader?), also comp the hell out of it to get a brighter look, as with the reference.

Thanks Robo! I got the technique from a random tutorial i found. I can’t remember who did it.

Hey Lancer, I am using a toon shader. I’ll try out a different shader to see how it looks. When you say “comp” the hell out of it do you mean work on the compositing some more? Because I am a real noob when it comes to nodes. I know how to use them but for this simple scene I spent about an hour playing with it and still didnt get the ‘pop’ that I wanted like from the reference image.