Here is a kitty I did for fun. It was modeled in 2.5 with some compositing. I then used GIMP for some more post-pro. The reference image is on the bottom.
Quite an interesting way to use Blender. It looks totally 2D I suppose this could’ve been made in Inkscape or the like, but if you’re more comfortable using Blender, go for it! Good work
Happy Blending!
I’m not convinced on it looking 2D. I think you need to use flat colour more (are you using toon shader?), also comp the hell out of it to get a brighter look, as with the reference.
Thanks Robo! I got the technique from a random tutorial i found. I can’t remember who did it.
Hey Lancer, I am using a toon shader. I’ll try out a different shader to see how it looks. When you say “comp” the hell out of it do you mean work on the compositing some more? Because I am a real noob when it comes to nodes. I know how to use them but for this simple scene I spent about an hour playing with it and still didnt get the ‘pop’ that I wanted like from the reference image.