Knee moving sideways when bringing torso down

Hi, so, I’m animating a model from a friend, and I’m new to animating, so I rigged it with the rigify addon, but when I move the torso box down both knees go sideways (image 1), another friend made another rig, and it works properly, with both knees going forwards, can someone tell what i did wrong?

In the Rigify metarig, align these 3 points, they must be perfectly straight from the front view.

But make sure to keep a slight bend from the side.

Also, the bone roll for the legs should look like this.

Regenerate the Rigify metarig and the legs of the generated rig should not bend sideways.


Thanks a lot, man, helped lots, and thanks for the fast response

Happy to help, happy blending !

I was having the same problem with my rig, and it worked (no rigify for me though, I don’t like it’s control rig). You saved my rig.